Teenage Dream


Night brightened by neon skies,

Sun setting under clouds,

Teens running wild,

In the lively,



Intoxicated fantasies are fulfilled,

with bodies  joining together,

helped by hard liquor,

poor judgements,

And drugs.


These nights of illegal pleasures,

Are the nights remembered,

And are cherished as,

The teenage


  • Author: PoeticBiscuit (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 10th, 2019 02:24
  • Comment from author about the poem: I’m honestly not sure where this one came from, it sorta just happened? Hope you enjoy.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 96
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Comments +


  • Michael Edwards

    Great write and great form - wherever it came from I hope there are more there just like it .

  • Fay Slimm.

    A needed message in these three well-crafted stanzas - - good read.

  • dusk arising

    We were all teenagers once and recall the spirit of early adult pleasure in our veins. Times change, Years tell, but memories are beauties.

  • Andrew Charles Forrest

    Those verses point one way
    What a wau to go?
    Very enjoyable

  • Christina8

    Very good form. Great write. I don't know about the liquor and drugs but I do remember intoxicating fantasies fulfilled and poor judgement! LOL I hope you've got some more of these writes left in you.......Christina

  • Goldfinch60

    Good write, my teenage dreams are a very long time ago.

  • Neville

    You have crafted an aesthetically pleasing poem here and one which I certainly relate to, having once been there, done that and worn several of the T shirts out...

    The only difference today though is the range of drugs and alcohol are much broader, stronger and readily available...

    A great little post in my opinion...


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