See beyond & travel on

Poetic Dan

Four wheels frees the heart
Two wheels free the soul
No matter how you choose
Adventure with spirit to be whole

  • Author: Poetic Dan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 13th, 2019 03:32
  • Comment from author about the poem: Loving life and looking back with tears of smiles, keep moving forward and you will arrive. There are no wrinkles on the eyes!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 22
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  • orchidee

    A fine write Dan. Doh, why did I choose a foggy day to see beyond? I couldn't see a thing so I didn't travel on anywhere!
    Erm, I not quite got the hang of this theme, eh? heehee.

    • Poetic Dan

      Rain nearly every day so far... That could be another writting. Thank you I'm off lol

    • Andrew Charles Forrest

      Excellent advice Dan
      Walk on and make the world small !

    • dusk arising

      Just keep moving forwards mate. With those two sprouts along there will be plenty of adventure brought to your door.

    • Michael Edwards

      Keep those wheels oiled with love and you can go anywhere.

    • PoeticBiscuit

      I’m absolutely loving all the positivity you have been putting into your work lately!

    • Goldfinch60

      That Spirit will always be within you now Dan, keep moving forward in your wonderful life.

    • Silkseduction

      I love this- beautifully done!

    • Neville


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