Michael Edwards






I really feel pissed

I’m a minimalist

And I’m feelin’ the stress

for the house looks a mess.


At my wife’s behest

the Christmas decs

are now in place

and I have to face

that there they’ll stay

tlll new years day

when down they’ll come – hip hip hooray!


But I still feel pissed

I’m a minimalist

And I’m feelin’ the stress

for the house looks a mess.




  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 16th, 2019 01:29
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
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  • Goldfinch60

    That is so unfortunate Michael, although I am not a minimalist the idea of putting up decorations this year is no going to happen, too many other things to worry about.

    Many years ago I was in an office with one other colleague and somebody, neither of us, put up Christmas decorations in our office - they did not come down until July!!

    Love the artwork.

    • Michael Edwards

      Should have left them ready for the Christmas. Cheers Andy.

    • orchidee

      I should have called round with the water, to add to your tipple, if you are p***d!
      I told a Manager that Blu-Tac tears paint off walls for dec's. But I was over-ruled, and had to think 'It's your problem if you have to re-paint the walls'.
      You not leaving dec's up until Jan 6th? 12 days after Christmas - but no longer. Bad luck - if I believed in it , that is!

      • Michael Edwards

        Do you add tipple to water or vice versa? Will fido bark?

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        ANGELA HERE - Ccomment on the PICTURE

        The bleak tree - winter coloured
        Stands forlorn - Sans Her Kaliedascope
        Of Autumn Foliage.
        But Her promised SPRING will COME
        And she can be transformed !
        I too was once like that TREE
        Stripped of my self esteem
        By Faithless Lovers !
        But then BRIAN came into my LIFE
        And my WINTER of discontent
        Morphed into SPRING again - and
        MY inner beauty has been restored - AMEN !

        I wanted to post this - BUT - I needed a TREE !
        If I post it can I use YOUR TREE - PLEASE - ANGELA ๐Ÿงก

        Indoor and outdoor (with LIGHTS) Christmas Decorations
        At home - in shops - in Offices are for BRIAN & I are a
        Major Part of the Christmas Season and w always display
        every single one of our C-MAS CARDS - even the E-mails !
        Have you ever been to AMERICA for Christmas everyone
        goes OTT - Inside & Out ! Watch the C-MAS films on Channel
        5 and it will give you a glimpse of C-MAS MADNESS ! Ive
        helped Brian to decorate his FLAT and Im home with MAMA
        & PAPA nd have helped them to Christmasise our House !
        Nuestra CASA es una CASA de NATIVIDAD ! (see the photo
        with the Poem FIVE CHRISTMAS HAIKU !)
        So come on UNCLE MIKE - Enjoy the gaudy disorder while
        it lasts it wil soon be the 7th of JANUARY 2020 !

        Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
        Love ANGELA & BRIAN

        • Michael Edwards

          I will be honoured if you post it - thanks Angela.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Ha ha - - Oh Humbug dear Michael I am on your lady's side here - - tis the season of cheer so get out those pretties with best of good will - - put on a smile and forget any miserly minimalist stresses then you will feel most delightfully pssssssst.

          • Michael Edwards

            I just hate clutter - grrrrr - ๐Ÿ˜œ

          • myself and me

            Totally get the feeling. Love the paint, for minimalist.

          • FineB

            Hello Michael,

            A good write.

            Yes, Xmas decs are lovely to have up but a nuisance to take down.

            I love my Xmas tree to be carefully colour co - ordinated. Not too many ornaments.

            Keep writing FineB

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