HOLOCAUST ~ What does it mean to us now ?

Seventy five years since the Liberation 

Of AUSCHWITZ  ~ Nazi Concentration Camp ?

Angela & I visited AUSCHWITZ

To see for ourselves ~ something concrete of .......

The systematic elimination

Of  SIX-MILLION JEWS ~ by the Third Reich.


What we saw did put it into perspective

Better than all the Films we saw and the

Books we had read about the HOLOCAUST !

Human hair  - piles of glasses - shoes - false limbs

Suit cases with NAMES ~ Incinerators !

And even more so ~ meeting survivors

Hearing them  recount EXPERIENCES ! 


Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ Love Brian  & Angela ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™


LORNA LOVE was a Buchenwald Survivor  aged 18 when the Germans 

released her ~ with others ~ to cross the River in flimsy boats  ~ some

drowned. They we taken in by the British Army ~ She married one of

the Officers. Because of her fluency with Languages ~ German ~ English

Russian - Yiddish - she was given  an Honorary Rank and served as an

Interpreter  in the Nuremburg war Trials !  She taught @ Essex University.

She told us *Because I am a JEW  ~ I will FORGIVE  The Third Reich 

BUT ~ I will never ever FORGET what happened  in the Death Camps !* 


Try to visit AUSCHWITZ to see for yourself. It is Heart Breaking but it 

does put the HOLOCAUST into perspective ! The victims were actual 

Human Beings like You & I  !  There are still survivors (all aged over 80)

but in a few years they will all be in Paradise. There was much on TV 

Yesterday and many of the Survivors  had the strength to speak out.


This POEM is presented as a Blank Verse (iambic pentameter) Sonnet.

  • Author: ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 28th, 2020 05:03
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 18
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  • orchidee

    Even the birds don't sing there. Seems madness, and in the 'civilised' 20th Century too.
    The Germans couldn't win. I'm sure they incurred God's wrath for meddling with His people, the Jews. At least, some human justice, even if we have no spiritual aspect in our lives.


      BRIAN HERE ~ Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ For us born 40 years after the liberation ~ a visit to AUSCHWITZ does serve a Purpose ! My (BRIAN) Grandparents witnessed the horror of WW2 (in Liverpool 3,000 Civilians killed in the 1941 Blitz becaus it was a major Port with the USA). Also they were Teenagers when AUSCHWITZ was liberated. Ive mentioned in the POEM what we saw and the HOLOCAUST became much more real & historic to US ~ AMEN ! The Third Reich did incur Gods wrath and God wiped it from the face of the Earth. There are no Statues in Germany of Hitler and the Swaztika is VERBOTEN ! The German War Cemetaries Black / Grey Headstones and no one to welcome You. The ages of the Soldiers are salutary Some as Young as 13 (Jurgens auf Hitler) and some over 70 ~ Utter Defeat ! In 1933 the Global Jewish Population was over 15.million ! Despite the Holocaust there are more Jews alive today than there were in 1933 ~ AMEN.

      I was raised to treat the JEWS with a VELVET GLOVE !
      Blessings to YOU & YOUR Handsome Hound
      Love in the Spirit Brian & Angela ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™

    • Michael Edwards

      Without dpubt the most moving place I've ever visited - great write - let us not forget.

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Ooooops Uncle Mike ~ we sent a Comment instead fo a Reply ! Please check POEM ~ Thanks A & B !

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Thanks for a supportive comment UNCLE MIKE ~ We agree with it ~ very very moving. Especially the photographs of real PEOPLE like You & US. Like Lorna Love (now in Paradise) we must never ever forget. I am pleased we now have a HOLOCAUST DAY ~ The TV coverage has been excellent ~ Lest we FORGET ~ We will remember THEM !

        Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
        Love ANGELA & BRIAN ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

      • Goldfinch60

        Very good write. I have never been to Auschwitz but everyone that I know who has been there say the same thing about how heartbreaking it was.
        How people can deny it happened is beyond me!!
        "We will remember them"

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        GOOD MORNING Uncle Andy ~ Your Parents would have been alive when Auschwitz was liberated ! For those of US under 40 we felt it was necessary for US to see it for ourselves to help US believe tht it acctually happened ! As you say some still deny it ! *We will remember them !* AMEN

        Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
        Love ANGELA & BRIAN ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

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