Job Lot of Biro’s


Job Lot of Biro’s


We rarely see each other now


On those occasions when we do

I always feel the need to write down

Every single word you say


The way you look smile and laugh

The way you push jab or slap

When I have either pleased or offended you

I am often still writing


Long after you have said good-bye



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 24th, 2020 10:01
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 31
  • User favorite of this poem: Amon.
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  • orchidee

    Ooohh you've not offended me. Are ya still writing to me?! heehee. It need not be goodbye, just au revoir - bit of Spanish there. I'm good at languages, don't ya know!

    • Neville

      I will take your word and raise ya....

      Take care out there Orchidee & stay both safe and well..


    • Neville

      I hope so too, but I am quite sure there will be many more casualties and that this monster should not be underestimated.... Neville 🙂

    • dusk arising

      Well penned (groan)... Well constable Neville, it's all done on video tape/memory chip in the interview room now.

      Why does modern technology rob life of romance.... or is it just me?

      • Neville

        No my friend, it is not just you.. Maybe we should form that cult after all .... Bless ya my friend... Now listen... Just you take care out there and stay both safe and well … Okay 🙂

      • Laura🌻


        Love the title and the message of your poem.
        The first time I saw the word ‘Biro’ was in high school in a required reading assignment.
        Very interesting.

        Stay safe.


        • Neville

          Thank you so much my friend... A welcome visit indeed... Stay safe and well

          Neville 🌻

          • Laura🌻

            You’re very welcome!

          • Fay Slimm.

            Love is so hard to shelve when time was it glittered with golden dreams --- another tear-jerking read Nev and so clearly revealed that need to note down every nuance to keep and read over again - - it surely takes lots of biros does the sight of a one-time love ........... x

            • Neville

              You seem to read me like a book, so ya do.... Thanking you our Fay for your ongoing encouragement and support... Oh' and just you bloomin take good care of yourself ya hear 🙂

            • Fay Slimm.

              Yes hearin'ya loud and clear mon ami and am keeping to schedule on what where and when and with whom --- yes this is a serious health hazard my friend and same back at-ya - you betta tek care and stay well too....... x

              • Neville

                Sure gonna try x

              • PoeticBiscuit

                A very touching write Neville. Time takes all except for the memories that we hold close.

                • Neville

                  How bloomin true.. bless you PB... Many thanks indeed.. stay safe n well


                • Michael Edwards

                  Great work Neville

                  • Neville

                    Thanking you Michael sir...

                    I trust you remain safe and well, as do those you love and hold dear...


                    • Michael Edwards

                      Thanks Neville - yes in constant touch and my son has just dropped off meds and 'food parcel' - so nice to see his beaming face even if I couldn't give him a hug. And you?

                    • 1 more comment

                    • Amon

                      straight to my favorites

                      • Neville

                        Thank you Amon, I am both honoured and grateful for the visit.. Stay safe


                      • Goldfinch60

                        We all do that and in my case I need bottles of ink for my quill.


                        • Neville

                          You see ya moved on from papyrus then Andy..... Cheers for the chuckle and of course the visit. Stay safe and well my friend...


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