Over his own cliff-top territory
glides the lone bird.
Combing each spot effortlessly
in silent search.
Sole- rider of wind-swept
lunchtime sky,
the motionless Kestral sits
on thermal-vibe
for moments while scanning,
hungrily sights
every nuance of movement
before swooping
to earth in deadly attention
when extended claws
knifing will open the primals
then falcon dives
and death hurls toward life.
Eyes must keep alerted for
waterless rodents
or surfacing underground
moles, delicate
fare for this fierce predator
bridging the wind,
for up-draught means more
hollow boned fight
for best active performance
of breath-stopping
spin in near impossible flash
of lightning speed
as raptor stoops once again.
Not always goes majestic Kestrel
to sleep extra full-bellied.
Yet skyborne again at dawn well
reveals his endless intent.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: May 28th, 2020 04:02
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 51
Good Morning Fay ~ both our Muses seem to be BIRDING this morning. Both the KESTREL & the KINGFISHER are excellent Hunters in their own domain. Natures complex & necessary Food Chains & Food Webs are a thing of intrinsic beauty. We are as *Red in Tooth & Claw* as much the Birds of Prey. Kestrals - Kingfishers - Kittyhawks - Dont get their dinner served on a Plate - they have to work for it ! Thanks for servng another beautiful Symbiosis of Pic & Poem to brighten our May Morning !
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love A & B & Smokey Cat !
Yes it seems today was a bird-day and the Kestrel featured in my little offering I saw doing his stuff one afternoon and had to describe what I thought was his method of silently hanging in air until movement or sound brought him dropping like lightning so near to my car. A feat worth seeing close up is a stoop. Thank you indeed for another fine comment.
Good write Fay.
Thank you Orchi.
Watched a kite do something similar this week
Lovely write
Fav line
Death hurls toward life
Something I would love to see is a kite on the hunt - such an attractive sight I imagine. Thanks for your welcome visit and comment dear peto.
Great write, great bird. It must be bird day today.
Yes bird-day indeed - though they make such attractive subjects for a poem - -thanks Michael for your read and input.
Oh' how well you have captured the very essence of the 'Windhover' my friend... and indeed the harsh world in which they fail or thrive..... N
Thanking you muchly for comparing my few words with "Windhover" one of my all time faves which not having read for an age must renew my pleasure real soon - so good to recall that you too are a Gerard Manley Hopkins fan and understand a predator's need to spot and catch live food daily - - thank yous galore for your valued support.
although I like some of Hopkins poetry and indeed his religious \'Windhover\' … my reference was to the kestrel you depicted so accurately.... and which from medieval times was often referred to as a windhover
…………… x
Ah - bless ya my friend - - another learning curve for me re. the medieval term of windhover - thanking you Nev for the kind explanation........... yes I too find that Hopkins when taken in small doses is so inspirational...................... x
Yes, for one who was so devoutly spiritual, he got his two pennies worth in, in a round about way didn't he.. x
I love watching kestrel hunt. Good poem Fay.
Yes kestrels are magnificent birds and know just how to ride thermals. - - glad you enjoyed the read and thanks for dropping by my friend.
Kestrels are wonderful birds to see, as are all raptors, I have seen most of the types of raptor in the UK but the main one missing is the Golden Eagle, I have seen Sea Eagles though.
Great write on a wonderful bird.
Lovely poem!
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