Profitable Praising


Tune: Ratisbon

('Christ whose glory fills the skies')

Psalm 108 parts


O Lord God, fixed is my heart

On you, I will do my part

In singing and praising you

Give to you the glory due

Wake, instruments, I will  too

Wake early, and will praise you


I will praise you midst people

Sing praises midst nations all

For your mercy it be great

To the heavens, you not late

To help me, and your truth pure

Reaches to the clouds, 'tis sure


O God, be you exalted

Above the heavens, and tread

Down all our enemies here

Let your glory now appear

It high above all the earth

We praise you, give you your worth


Save with your hand, answer me

Look on your beloved ones, see

Deliver them, they do trust

In you, though they be mere dust

You will help us to the last

Though seems you did us off cast


Give us help from trouble, for

Vain is the help of man sure

Through you we valiantly

Shall do, for you completely

Shall tread down our enemies

With this your justice agrees

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 14th, 2020 02:21
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. In some Psalms, the theme of revenge or repayment comes up, such as here: 'Tread down our enemies'. Yet the evil has to be seen to be overthrown, for the good to win. Though it is more Old Testament thought than New Testament thought.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 37
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  • dusk arising

    Yes, tread down our enemies god. As in WW2 god trod down enemies for UK, trod down enemies for Axis countries too..... all supported by the christian church on both sides. Another example of duplicity in christianity. A cop-out.

    • orchidee

      Thanks d a.

    • Michael Edwards

      Nice one O -

      • orchidee

        Thanks M.

      • Goldfinch60

        Good one Orchi but d a is right where both sides were praying to the christian god.


        • orchidee

          Thanks Gold. I see what you mean.

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