Michael Edwards





Where shadows cast before him lay

he read the proof of evidence

upon the letter placed before

his searching straining eyes.


From the text his pride disarmed

and cured of all delusions held

his just position compromised

soon lost in evanescent dreams

by blight of truth disclosed.


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  • Goldfinch60

    Those truths often disturb the readers of letters.


  • orchidee

    Good write and pic M.
    Miss Berles received any letters lately?

    • Michael Edwards

      She did get a 'T' but they were out of scones.

    • Neville

      shocking what people write these days.... and always maybe .. much liked sir Michael.. by me


      BRIAN HERE ~ Good Thursday Uncle Mike ~ Thanks for a Perfect Picture & a Disturbing Ditty. WE all have a PAST & WE all have cupboards (avec o sans Skeleta !) Friends of mine have received DAMNING LETTERS (sometimes out of the Blue) and it has caused them much misery. *Be sure your SIN will find you out* is an oft quoted mantra ! Now Im a Married Man ~ I have answered any questions about my past Angela may pose ! I know no Ladies will turn up on our dooestep with a 10 year old Son who looks exactly like me ~ because I haven*t ordered any Children in the past 20 years (16 to 36) BUT it has happened to Frinds of mine and caused a *Good* Marriage to end in a *Sad* Divorce. A condemming letter (which wives often open) can often have the same effect. Marriage is a wonderful Blessing but your Poem warns us *There should be NO SECRETS* ~ AMEN

      Thanks for caring & sharing
      Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
      Love Brian & Angela & Smokey !

      • Michael Edwards

        Certainly no secrets is the secret of a good mariage.

      • dusk arising

        Such romance of this letter received has painted a whole scene for your reader to contemplate. One wonders whether your creative juices would have flowed so M.E. were it a pesky text.

        Always enjoy your work, esp when you teach my brain to wander as today.

        • Michael Edwards

          My brain wanders all the time - much to my wifes annoyance. Thanks dusk.

        • Fay Slimm.

          You have poemed an intriguiing situation dear Michael with your winning ways with words -- hhhmmm wonder what he did when he read that truth........... a super piece of mystery from your clever pen my friend.

          • Michael Edwards

            I wonder too. i enjoyed writing this one more than most - even though I had no idea where it was going whenn I started to put it together - still not sure !! lol

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