his words

dusk arising



he said
"I want to
do something
that's never
been done

"That's simple"
i said,
been done

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 4th, 2020 01:51
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 31
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  • orchidee

    Yes, I tried that too. But I never found it. You see, when it got to 'tomorrow' it was always 'today'.! Eh? lol.

    • dusk arising

      Ah, you have it sussed, a wise man.

      • orchidee

        Fill in the blank: 'Since when was ........................wise?' ( a name other than me! lol).

        • dusk arising

          Paul on the road to Domestos (his part time cleaning job).

        • Michael Edwards

          Brilliant and I love the HR cartoon - he never fails.

        • Fay Slimm.

          A clever use of seeing time as we perceive it and when a tomorrow can be seen with anticipation we can do things never been done before..... an intriguing thought and thanks for sharing it D.A.

        • Crowns4Christ

          the funny thing is,is that tomorrow never comes,nice piece

        • Goldfinch60

          Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.


          • dusk arising

            Hope you enjoyed the video which is worth seeing thru to its end. He masters a technique which i was only capable of doing as a strangeness.

            • Goldfinch60

              I admit I didn't watch the video first time round, but hoe the hell can he play like that, it is brilliant! Another one to exmanine!


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