go then

dusk arising



go then my beloved brother
for that time has drawn
ever near and parting is
of this, now,  time
this dreaded moment
which cannot delay
go then and know
the glorious answer
of our hearts desires
see the mystery
and claim it as yours
for it is not to share
though i would hold your hand
all the way

and know there will always
be you here within me
a place to rest on earth
in one who loved you brother
until i may one day
take with you the love
of lost childhood
the joy of sunlit mischief
of creative yearning
and toil and sweat
and blood spilled
upon the play of life

and leave my tears
and sadness here.
and away you....
swiftly to where it is....
strong and meek and pure
in essence
along your way
beloved soul
to your future
that better place
beyond understanding

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  • jarcher54

    I have three brothers, all like me getting up there in their 60's. Your little musings made me cry. Do you know Anne Carson's "book" Nox? It is an elegy to her late brother in the form of a scrap-book collage-poem-scroll thing that is not quite a book, based on Catullus' "Ave atque vale" to his own brother.

    Your poem brought Nox to mind in the wonderful painful way that such a thoughtful work will do. Whatever makes sadness beautiful, you nailed it. So to speak.

    • dusk arising

      Thank you so much jarcher54 for your very kind comment. I didn't write this at the time of my brother's passing but much more recently reflecting upon how i felt at the time. I am usually quite moved by the subjects i write about - I write from feel being very much a feelings type person. There were plenty of tears whilst writing this piece.

    • orchidee

      A good write Dusk.

      • dusk arising

        Thank you. How are Fido's teeth?

      • L. B. Mek

        'until i may one day
        take with you the love
        of lost childhood
        the joy of sunlit mischief
        of creative yearning
        and toil and sweat
        and blood spilled
        upon the play of life'
        this is beautifully worded, it tugs at raw cinders of emotion we all have buried deep - deep within,
        personally I have always yearned for a brother - the longing is so palpable I'm certain in another life I must have had one or two that I had a tight bond with,
        (although I still wouldn't swap the family I was blessed with for anything),
        a moving dedication of exemplary emotive writing!

        • dusk arising

          Rod was in his 60's when he left us. My older brother who when we were kids taught me so much and we played and fought so much growing up together. All that comes back to you in writing something like this - written quite recently - and it's coming back to me as i write this now.
          Childhood, a magic time which is the background to what we are in adulthood.
          Thank you for commenting and rewarding me with the knowledge that my emotion shone through in these words.

        • Fay Slimm.

          A heart-tugging read from the first line to the last - losing a much loved brother could not have been versed any better than this......... thank you for sharing it my friend.

          • dusk arising

            Of course Dylan Thomas great poem Do not go gentle into that dark night kind of set the standard for this sort of subject but i've always had issues with that poem. To me it is a very angry poem yet i have never heard it read in an angry tone even by Thomas himself. I don't show anger in my piece which is a mistake really because regardless of ones religious beliefs there will always be an amount of anger at the frailty of life when a loved one is lost.
            Thank you again for your continued encouragement.

          • Michael Edwards

            Eloquently expressess the loss of loved ones. Super stuff.

            • dusk arising

              He taught me to throw stones and scrump apples, ride a bike and chase cats.

            • Goldfinch60

              Such wonderful emotive words d a, we know that a place awaits us all and we will all meet to go on for eternity.


              • dusk arising

                Yes true, always a sadness for those still on the planet though. But it's a wonderful place to be.

              • Neville

                There is nothing I could say that has not already been written about these splendid words ... sad though they might be ...

                I found the whole of 'go then' a deeply moving poem my friend

                ... Neville

                • dusk arising

                  I get quite involved and emotional when writing and this was a tear jerker.... I'm pleased to read in yours and others comments that i found words to convey the depth of feeling here.
                  Thanks Neville.

                • Alan .S. Jeeves

                  This is a wonderful tribute Dusk. You have found and used your words eloquently. I will take the liberty of adding the poem to my list of favourites.

                  Thank you, Alan

                  • dusk arising

                    Thank you Alan, thats high praise and I'm honoured to have a piece in your favourites.

                  • AwHec8

                    Dear dusk my whole heart goes out to you in knowing the pain of a brother now gone. As your words do let all know a whole world within your brother has passed on. To be remembered by those who knew him, until reunited in glory.
                    Dude I wish I could give you a hug. I would cry with you if given the chance. Respectfully Don

                    • dusk arising

                      It was five years ago Rod's cancer took him from us. I wrote this quite recently and definitely recalled my feeling of that time. Thanks for your fine words here.

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Thanks for the commentary on the sentiments embodied in "Do not go gentle.." Obviously Dylan T is projecting his own anger and grief at his father's imminent death onto that same father. Doesn't make those sentiments right though. I repeat: 'I hope to go gentle, futile to rage'
                      Respect and regards, Dave

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