Saints Splendorous


Tune: Sine Nomine

('For all the saints')

Revelation 7 v.9-17

Fro All Saints Day - Nov. 1st


John did behold, and, lo, great multitude

Which no man could number, these be sure viewed

All nations, peoples, kindreds, praise renewed

Alleluia, Alleluia!


They stood before the Lamb, and too the throne

Clothed in white robes, Jesus as Lord they own

With palms in hands, they worship Him alone

Alleluia, Alleluia!


They cried with loud voice, saying, Salvation

To our God, He atones for each nation

Sits on the throne, the Lamb He be His Son

Alleluia, Alleluia!


All angels worshipped, and all gathered there

In endless jubilation they do share

With saints redeemed ones, e'er under His care

Alleluia, Alleluia!


They said, Amen, Blessing, wisdom, glroy

Thanksgiving, honour, power and might be

To our God ever, through eternity

Alleluia, Alleluia!


One there said to John, These be they which, see

Come forth from great tribulation, now free

Their robes washed in the Lamb's blood, white now be* 

Alleluia, Alleluia!


Therefore they before God's throne day and night

Serving Him in His temple, in His sight

he dwells among them, here endless delight

Alleluia, Alleluia!


They hunger nor thirst any more, for so

The Lamb shall feed them lead to fountains flow

Of waters, every tear gone, glory's glow

Alleluia, Alleluia!



* A picture, or symbolism, of forgiveness.



  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 1st, 2020 03:18
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 10.10.10. metre with Alleluias.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 9
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  • dusk arising

    That feeding of the five thousand with a few scraps of food. Were there actually five thousand there or was that just a guess? Can't have been exactly five thousand, too convenient. Maybe the other figures in the story are fiction too, created in a time when man was uneducated and easily led by the corrupt church who organised the collation of the bible, leaving out many quite revealing gospels to suit their own spin on religion.

    • Goldfinch60

      There is a theory that when those people went to that meeting they all brought some food with them and shared it with others.


      • orchidee

        Yes! And more than 5,000. One gospel says '5,000 men, besides women and children'.
        I believe it - or else I go on blindly being brain-washed (?).

        • dusk arising

          Well your choice Orchidee. Most christians seem afraid to ask the questions for which christianity has no real answers other than 1) relying on blind faith or 2) digging out some ambiguous passage from the bible. But christian churches keep moving the goal posts so that some things your blind faith accepted as being 'gospel' yesterday are now 'right'. How come they were wrong yesterday... did god change his mind? Or is christianity full of falsehoods which can be altered as is convenient for those who controi the power of the religion/individual sector/church?

          • orchidee

            It must be, then, that some men/women are making Christianity to mean what they want it to mean, shuffling things around here and there. Historical facts have been shown to be true.

            • dusk arising

              That's wonderful news Orchidee. Please show me the historical facts proof of five thousand being fed by ...what was it five fishes and two loaves...or was it five loaves and two fishes... i can't recall but.... show me what you call the 'historical facts' to prove it... if they exist.

              • orchidee

                I can't in this case, nor in some other cases. Some may say 'Let him believe it if he wants to, to keep him quiet!'

                • dusk arising

                  OK Orchidee. I respect you sir for not going into the rhetoric which others seek refuge in. You are the one exception who is prepared to sensibly address the queries and awkward questions i pose. Thank you with respect to your integrity.

                • Goldfinch60

                  Good one Orchi.

                  • orchidee

                    Thanks Gold. Hmm, I don't think they had food on them, secretly or openly.
                    Such a wonderful tune, called 'Sine Nomine' = 'No Name'. Are the tunes with names just as good?!
                    You got your palm ready? (verse 2).

                  • Neville

                    a splendid hymn poem if ever there woz ......................

                    • orchidee

                      Thanks Neville.

                    • Michael Edwards

                      Miss Berles friend Ally Lewyer might want to consider the number of Alleluias used here - have you exceded your quota?

                      • orchidee

                        Thanks M. Yes, poor Ally, or in some cases her sister Halle Lewyer. She appears SIX times in each verse of one hymn I know! She will be worn out.

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