Contrasts Considered


Tune: Glendon

('Sing to God, with joy and gladness')

Psalm 107 v.31-38



On that men would give thanks and praise

To the LORD, His name upraise

Praise Him for His greatness and for

His wondrous works shown us sure


Let them praise in congregation

All peoples of each nation

He turns waters to wilderness

Water-springs turns to dryness - Chorus


Fruitful land turned to barrenness

It be for he wickedness

Of them that dwell therein, they not

Serve the LORD, and sad their lot - Chorus


But for the righteous, wilderness

Does He turn to pools, does bless

Turns dry ground into water-springs

Nature with His people sings - Chorus


There the hungry dwell, He does make

Them to be filled for His sake

Live in the city and sow fields

And vineyards their increase yields - Chorus


He blesses them with abundance

The His presence near do sense

Gives prosperity, they there thrive

Glad in him to be alive - Chorus

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 4th, 2020 03:01
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem - verses and chorus in metre. This clip has a Choir from my home town singing. I've not seen them in person. Only sung the hymn in the clip once, though it's 'modern' - John Bell/ Iona Community.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 25
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  • orchidee

    Well, it's 'modern' for me, by my ratings - the author was born in 1949!

  • Goldfinch60

    I have sung with John Bell, cracking bloke. I have also had a week on Iona where I was touched by My God.


    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold.

    • Michael Edwards

      Well I'll go consider my contrasts - nice one O.

      • orchidee

        Thanks M. Ohh, we should consider our berles too!

        • Michael Edwards

          Mine are okay at the moment apart from Goldies mosquito problems.

          • orchidee

            Ahhh - or 'The berles, the berles....' It's me Quasimodo acting! A sudden rush of mosquitoes?

          • FineB

            Hi Orchidee,

            Lovely and uplifting.

            Keep writing ✍ and safe during lockdown.

            • orchidee

              Thanks Fine.

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