Did the Hippies have it right?
Was the world they had
The way it should be?
Free love was the way to go,
Love for all.
Is the normality
Of marriage and sex obsolete,
It was no longer limited
To just one person,
That love was extended to all,
And was shared with everyone.
As they shared their life and love
They found that the more you shared,
The more you received.
So why should we select love
For just a few,
Love everyone in our world
So that we can then always
Make love,
Not war.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: November 17th, 2020 02:06
- Comment from author about the poem: Listening to the video one realises that getting to my age ,72, one begins to recognize the truth of these lyrics. There's a sadness for opportunities missed, but also gratefulness for having survived and persevered in this thing called life.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 63
- Users favorite of this poem: Amon
I don't know - it might be too 'swoony' - free love. I'm in me shelter anyway - in me sheltered life! lol
By love they meant love and peace for all to get a better world, it was not about sex but that came into in some cases but the important thing was that they wanted a loving world, not a battling one.
What a message... it became my mantra many moons ago.............
Thanks Neville, if only love for all could be in our world.
Not going to disagree (my favorite stance) with any of that. Just wish...nah - not going there...
Stay cool man
Cool they were, they wanted peace and love in the world, not war and hate.
Got it there man. Right on:
Take the flower. Peace not War. Give peace a chance.
Stay cool,
totally agree,
though with a reminder to enjoy the pleasure's of life with one eye on safeguarding yourself against irreversible consequences
Very true LB, thank you.
Make love - forgotten about it all - must get the manual out.
That manual does not matter Michael, they wanted love to be the major part of the world. Not many people at the time placed flowers in the barrels of rifles.
Well they had a point, I was too young at 15 in the summer of love to really understand them and as my post today shows i had enough problems of my own.
But i do believe the hippie and similar themes from the sixties did move us along...All you need is love.... and ... imagine.... are songs which contain wonderful ideas upon which to dwell.
Comapared to the 1950's, the general public in western society contains far more people inclined towards making peace not war.
As christianity falls from being forced down the necks of our children a more natural spiritual feeling of peace, love and togetherness becomes apparent. The countries and societies where religious dogma is still infused upon the masses demonstrate quite the opposite.
Thank you for understanding d a, the Hippies wanted peace and love to dominate our world, maybe one day.
ANGELA HERE - Good Evening Uncle Andy - Thanks for the 60s Video & Poem ! By the time (80s) Brian & I were born the 60s Sexual Revolution was the Norm ! Growing up in the 21st Century - The Pill (& alcohol) was universally available - Pornography was rife on the Internet and Radio & TV were more sexplicit. The majority of Teens were sexually active and those who opposed *Free Love* were labelled Prudes & Spoil Sports. Of cours you would NOT expect BRIAN & I to be advocates of *Free Sexual Love* ! We were both raised in Christian Homes and accepted the BIBLE as our Guide for Life. I was 28 when I met BRIAN and still a VIRGIN. Some MEN rejected me because of my morals and I was accused of bein FRIGID ~ MOI ? Brian accepted that and respected my Virginity until we were married. He also respected my Parents who are very devout Catholics. Brian (33) was also technically a VIRGIN and when we were engaged I became a Member of His Evangelical Church where he was a Deacon. We had an important role as YOUTH LEADERS and had to set a Standard & Example to the 30 Teenagers in our Youth Group and Brian was also as a Student Counsellor in the College !
There are four levels of Human Love. ONE The Love we have for our Friends - Neighbours & Colleagues TWO the Love we naturally have for our Extended Family. Then there is Sexual Love between Couples and then there is Spiritual Love - AGAPE - between God & His Human Creation ~ MANKIND. We believe extending SEXUAL LOVE (EROS) universally to everybody & anybody is unnatural and devalues the sacredness of Male & Female Virginity and devalues Marriage which explains why there is so much Maritial Unfaithfulness & Unhapiness & Divorce !
Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey ! ! !
People misunderstand what the Hippies believed, many think it was all about sex, that was just a minor part of it, the main issue was to bring peace to the world but as usual those who did not want to know just concentrated on the sex part.
The Hippies wanted to love everyone and wanted everyone to love everyone else to form a loving world not the world full of hate and disagreement that it was showing, and is still showing.
Imagine if their ideals had becoem fulfilled what a wonderful world it would be.
"As they shared their life and love
They found that the more you shared,
The more you received."
Certainly hit a chord there Andy: Great response. Ideals close to perfect (including those of a liberated sexuality) so I'm not going to argue about how it played out now. Just enjoy the moment.
Take care, Dave
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