Fay Slimm.





If lovers co-mingle who once Heaven breached,
if echoes of ardour pierce final silence,
when I wait in this void where stars collided
his warm voice I will hear.


If hearts now formless mold bodies from ether,
if in other worlds ghosts create substance,
when I kneel to plead for more solid assurance
his soft touch will I feel.


If spirits escape from restrictions of air,
if souls can revisit scenes of past bliss,
when I walk in dreams of remembered kisses
he will be with me there.

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  • orchidee

    Good write Fay.
    My version is:
    If I would stop singing
    All would be well
    99% of the world's troubles would be over!

    • Fay Slimm.

      Good to have you visit and comment dear Orchi. - -thanking you for the read of IF.

    • dusk arising

      A true reminiscence, with absolutely no distractions, can indeed be a very special moving intimate experience.

      But stepping outside from such things as we can experience, such as reminiscence, we enter into the realms of faith, belief and hope. Both faith and belief can give us reassurance.

      Your words tell a longing story of deep love sorely missed and an ache to recapture.

      • Fay Slimm.

        Yes indeed my friend - losing a loved one can call for such dreamings of contact and feelings of being visited by those now departed......... so pleased you enjoyed my take on these things.

      • L. B. Mek

        a truly moving dedication Fay, you have some heart-wrenchingly tender voiced works, in your endlessly wonderous cannon

        • Fay Slimm.

          Thanking you humbly for your support of my poetic efforts L.B. - much appreciated and so glad you enjoyed the read.

        • Neville

          these words will undoubtedly be enjoyed by all those who visit them and appreciate poetry ..

          however, all those who have loved and are loved will appreciate them even more ...................... N x

          • Fay Slimm.

            Your faith in my versing Nev. always leaves me feeling warm and encouraged - - so for reading and commenting on my version of love's everlastingness am thanking you massively and more mon ami................x

          • Trenz Pruca

            Thay you. It spoke to me.

            • Fay Slimm.

              If the read of these few love-lines spoke to your mind Trenz that is more than enough for me - thank you sincerely.

            • ANGELA & BRIAN

              Good Thursday FAY ~ Angela here at the end of another busy day ! Our experience so far (3 years of Courtship & 8 months of blissful Marriage) is that TRUE LOVE is embedded in the Memory forever & ever ! Your elegant *Love Poem* reminds us that these Memoriees encapsulate - The Sound of Love - The Touch of Love and the very Presence of Love itself ~ For ME *BRIAN IS LOVE & I FOR HIM* AMEN ~ Thanks for Caring & Sharing !

              Blessings & Love - Joy & Peace
              Angela - Brian - Smokey 💛💛💛
              Please check our Thnaksgiving Hymn ~ Thanks ABC

              • Fay Slimm.

                Yes love and its demonstrations speak volumes to those who want the real thing - really appreciate your visit dear duo and for your comment on IF . - Wishing you always that kind of love.

              • Michael Edwards

                Great write Fay.

              • Goldfinch60

                Those restrictions will disappear one day and he will be there with you as I will be with my Joyce.


              • RDS

                Fantastic Fay, finely crafted with all the things I love to find in a poem.
                Wish I could have written this line ".if in other worlds ghosts create substance,..." hauntingly beautiful

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