Strictly, Here I Come!


I just do not know what happened,

There I was preparing my dinner,

A glass of Rioja to help me,

Music playing as normal,

Listening to a favourite rock band.

When this tune started playing

The foot started tapping,

The legs went from side to side.

And there I was dancing,

Dancing around the kitchen.

This was just not me,

I had not danced for years,

But here I was moving to the tune.

Strictly, here I come!

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 3rd, 2020 02:18
  • Comment from author about the poem: Whenever I hear Status Quo a smile always comes to my face.
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 63
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  • orchidee

    A fine write Gold.

  • L. B. Mek

    I guess a certain someone, you treasure close in that place where your life's beat is pulsed: felt like a little jiggle and took you along for the ride...
    title and video's picture made me lmao,
    now that's a strictly episode I need not ever contemplate! 'oh the inhumanity our pixel screens subject us: to bare witness-to' lol

    • Goldfinch60

      She surely did LB.
      I will let you know when I am on strictly.😂


    • Fay Slimm.

      Am tapping my feet to the number and smiling at imagining you dancing round that kitchen - go go Andy.

      • Goldfinch60

        Thanks Fay.

        "Dance as though no one is watching you,
        Love as though you have never loved before,
        Sing as though no one can hear you,
        Live as though heaven is on earth."


      • Doggerel Dave

        You keep going, Andy - should do wonders for the circulation. Enjoyed the read very much. As someone that lives mostly alone, I identify with the freedom to be oneself with no one watching.
        However, two Matters Arising:
        1. 'Video unavailable' - presumably in the Antipodes only. Could you send me the title and I'll look it up independently.
        2. When you appear on Strictly, I won't get it here either - could you send me the tape?
        Take care with the sideways shuffle on carpet. I speak from experience....

        • Goldfinch60

          Thanks Dave, sorry you could not see the video here is the link

          If that does not work it is a song called "Break the Rules' from the album by Status Quo called "Aquostic - Stripped Bare"

          The tape will be sent but it may be a little while yet.
          I will take care with that shuffle.

          Take care


        • Michael Edwards

          Puts me in mind of a Morcombe and Wise sketch - gave me a smile Andy.

          • Goldfinch60

            Thanks Michael, glad to bring a smile to you.

            Morecombe and Wise were so wonderful and funny. I wrote a poem about Eric Morecombe after seeing a show called 'Morecombe', it was just a brilliant one man show talking about Morecombe and Wise. It was the first performance of it in the theatre in Tewkesbury, it was the theatre where he died. At the end of the show the performer and the producer came down to answer questions and they said there was somebody in the audience that would also answer questions. It was Eric's daughter and one of the things she said that I will never forget is that when her son was told of his Grandad's passing he said to her "Does that meant there will be no more magic?"


            • Michael Edwards

              That's a lovely story Andy.

            • Suresh

              Fleets tapping, arms swaying and we let the music take us away

              so keep dancing, A

              • Goldfinch60

                Tap and away away Suresh, I will.


              • Jerry Reynolds

                Dancing is good

                • Goldfinch60

                  Thank you Jerry, it is.


                • carolkirby1952

                  Good Read. Thanks what I need to do.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Dance on Carol, Dance on.



                  • ANGELA & BRIAN

                    Brian & Angela here ~ WE think SQ makes everybody smile thanks for sharing - very dancable too. Being in the AGE GROUP we are still active Ballroom Dancers and love STRICTLY Saturday & Sunday (great quality this session so far) & on BBC 2 at 6:30 Mon to Friday. We have a big square Kitchen (Room to Dance) anwe have installed ALEXA for Music Music Music. We love to Dance - Any Time - Any Where !

                    Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
                    Love Angela Brian Smokey 💛💛💛
                    Please check our ADVENT ODE for TOMORROW
                    *AN ADVENT CANDLE* Thanks A B & C !!!

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Thank you A and B.


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