Haibun for Linda

Jerry Reynolds


Hot bitter exhaust fumes, from the bus,

barely missed, still lingered in the air.

Thrusting his arm and finger out to hitchhike

a car came to halt.

Dry broom straw crackling beneath his feet,

opening the chrome door handle,

scorching too the touch,

with his handkerchief.

How could he have known;

this was one of those moments

where fate and chance come together

and life changes forever.



a moment originates

when it all makes sense

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Comments +


  • orchidee

    Good write Jerry.

  • Jerry Reynolds

    Thanks Orchi.

  • Michael Edwards

    Really like this - I've never written in this form and it makes me want to have a go.

  • Robert Southwick Richmond

    Haibun is a new one on me. Invented by haiku pioneer Matsuo Bashō, it combines verse (haiku) and prose. Here Jerry follows a prose text with a 5-7-5 syllable verse. I also learned "prosimetric" as a generic for texts alternating verse and prose. Aucassin et Nicolette comes to mind in the western traditions.

  • Goldfinch60

    Those moments are so special Jerry.


  • Jerry Reynolds

    Thank you all. This is my favorite form There is a large one - if you want to read it "A Haibun Odyssey" at

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