Michael Edwards







Indoors she bakes and smells arise:

hot and tasty tarts and pies.


Outside she stands beside the gate

selling wares until quite late.


Back and forth all day she totters

on her Cornish pasty trotters.






  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 2nd, 2021 02:29
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 63
  • Users favorite of this poem: Jerry Reynolds
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  • Goldfinch60

    Sorry Michael you cannot make Cornish pasties where you live, they must be called Leicester Pasties.

    Whatever they are called though I'll come buy and purchase some.


    • Michael Edwards

      They are very hard wearing - thanks Andy

    • orchidee

      Good write M. A pork pie or two also, please. Does Mss B make pork pies?

    • Doggerel Dave

      Been thinking for sometime that if, owing to covid restrictions you ran out of paints and perchance your poetic inspiration deserted you, you could set up a gourmet restaurant (with postal service...)

      • Michael Edwards

        My wife would be good at that. Her cuisine is to die for - mind you she wouldn't to return to her home land, Burma, for inspiration - well not at the moment with the military snatching command to line their own pockets.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Aah! Getting the picture now - all this talk of food is just that - talk! It's your missus who provides all the tasty dishes you mention - cover blown.
          Hard to know what exactly is going on in Myanmar - Burma. Always been a bit of a mystery to outsiders, I think.

        • dusk arising

          Lovely picture.

          Great poetry painting a character picture. I feel like I'm reading a classic piece i have known since childhood.

          I think youve produced a real gem.

          • Michael Edwards

            Thanks dusk - yes I imagined her in her pinny (now there's an old word you don't often hear these days) plodding up and down with her trays of mouth watering wares.

          • L. B. Mek

            your artwork had me thinking of a work I really like, titled 'the chasm of the Colorado' by Thomas Moran (I think),
            only yours is more like 'the chasm within a cloud' or a little morosely: 'droplets of ichor, invading our prism of essence',
            my simpleton self, would title it as
            'a dance of pigment's, self-introductory waves'...
            my 2 cent$ worth, thankfully its free, lol

            • Michael Edwards

              A much larger work than mine LB. As for a title (every picture requires a title to identify it especially when exhibiting) I give these acrylic ink abstracts a one word title - I invent a word which has no meaning. The reason being that I don't want to lead the viewer - its up to the viewer to interpret it as he sees fit. This one's called Remonism.

            • Jerry Reynolds

              Love the painting. The poem is fantastic, feels, somehow, like part of the things you know. Good morning read my favorite.

              • Michael Edwards

                Pleased you like it - thanks for looking in.

              • FredPeyer

                Read your poem before breakfast, gotta go, am hungry now!

                • Michael Edwards

                  Trust you're now well sated Fred. I wish there was an artisan like this near me.

                • SureshG

                  Her pasties sound like Galaxy's nebulas. Both awesome.

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