Cactus Days


Cactus Days


He said

You smell like a rose

She said

You know your plants ..


He said

I’m great on

Suck you lants ..


Fuck off then

She indignantly replied

I bloomin hardly know ya ..

  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 7th, 2021 03:26
  • Comment from author about the poem: Please note, this authors note has nowt to do with my today's scribble ... But rather, it is meant to reinforce my frustration at being required to tick boxes when values have changed .. as has the use of language .. I use as an example .. some 4 or 5 year old told me to F *** off yesterday .. I was only trying to help his mother load her car when her carrier bag broke .. So why do I still find myself wincing when I am required to tick some bloomin box to save some one here from being embarrassed or outraged ... Answers on a F ****** post card please ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 80
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  • Saxon Crow

    Yoy should have said fucknoff you little c***. That would be a different poem haha

    • Neville

      ......... Neva the less, I forgave him, for in my opinion, he knew not what he was saying ... maybe
      cheers tho' .. Neville

      • Saxon Crow

        Lol. To be fair id only possibly think it

        • Neville

          ... possibly the safest bet these days

        • Doggerel Dave

          Seems dead simple to me,….Neville…..
          Main column: ‘He’ made straightforward offer - rejected.
          Comments column: Kiddo felt you were trying to crack on to Mum and woz determined that wouldn’t happen…..Oh dear, won’t fit onto postcard….

          • Neville

            ......................................................... Thank you DD (I have now revised my authors note) 🙂

          • orchidee

            It's Fido on here, me imaginary dog! he can be a pest. He even barks at me, if I forget to mark a poem 18+, and it should be so. And I'm his owner.
            What's that Fido? Ohh f****. And furthermore: *&^^$£!@.
            Don't you dare translate that, Fido! heehee.

            • Neville

              Dont ever change Mr. O ... ta for stopping by on this particular bloomin occasion ...

            • orchidee

              And - well, I helped a shiny stag beetle go on its way. It may have got slightly crushed. I put it up the right way. It did not cuss me!

              • Neville

                .. it is most important to live and let live .. in my honest but humble opinion ........... stag beetles are like dogs .. not just for christmas 🙂

                • orchidee

                  When I was 5, I saw a stag beetle. I said 'I want one'. Someone bought me one for Christmas! Am I telling porkies?
                  Well, it must say something about the parents then, if the small child was so hostile.

                • L. B. Mek

                  because my dear poet
                  if we base our moral compass
                  on the base degenerate majority of society
                  then we might as well forget
                  our blood-spilled notion of humanity...!
                  see, and that's exactly what 'they' want
                  for everyone to be despairingly reduced
                  into working
                  from 'their' nihilistically meaningless dogma
                  of worthlessness
                  where, consequence is devoid of choice
                  and common decency is deemed a sham
                  just so they can feel comfortable continuing to exist
                  resorting to their most basic version of idiocy..
                  those few left, who have the capacity to be mindful
                  of the impact our words may have
                  on impressionable mind's
                  should try and do what is possible, not because
                  we Have-to, but because we make the Choice-to..
                  the choice to be more than
                  all the abundance of wilful ignorance
                  that surrounds us daily and threatens to drown-out
                  our capacity to think for ourselves..
                  the choice, to not have our values and fortitude
                  not be dictated-to
                  by those, who choose 'their' self-serving - loathing
                  to posses: their warped-derelict sense of worth...
                  (also, succulent plants
                  are drought resistant plants....?!
                  in the words
                  of the great Quagmire: giggity! 😁)
                  yeah, I know I'm a fool
                  I own it: relatively - and when tipsy
                  proudly! lol

                  • Neville

                    ............. you got me again sir .. is there no limit to his transparency I ask my self .. glad you picked up on my little play on drought tolerating fauna ............................. cheers mate & then some 🙂

                    • L. B. Mek

                      its not transparency, its kinship
                      burgeoning, maybe
                      limited in intimacy, maybe
                      but 100% born of sincerity
                      and formed on a bedrock of mutual respect,
                      you know, like the good old days
                      where agreeable characteristics were deemed enough
                      to plant seeds of friendship... 🍻

                      • Neville

                        ............. by Jove .. I think you might just be write 🙂

                      • dusk arising

                        Suck who's lance was that?

                        A teenage called me a fat c.nt a while ago. I replied with due aplomb, "young man my stomach may be big but it would rattle in your mouth". He didn't appear to have sufficient command of basic English to understand my retort.

                        So many ladies are perfumed it appears to be more attractive. However, once the attraction has worked, they seem unduly perplexed by the attention they receive. True colours are revealed when the beauty tarnishes itself with language of the gutter.

                        So cunningly revealed in you short display here.

                        • Neville

                          .... you just made my evening sir ... I shall remember that retort too so I will ... cheers n truly

                        • SureshG

                          They say that to me even when they know me. Me think f****** should now be considered a polite ‘no’, with the amount it is used in everyday life.

                          • Neville

                            To be honest, I am not sure whether the F word is used more often now than it was say 100 years ago ... but I do agree, it is used too often ... Thanks for chipping in mohan .. much appreciated

                          • Michael Edwards

                            Just fick the tucking box - my grandaughter is working with special needs children and the language they use is mind blowing - my grandaughter has a way of telling us without any embarassment and a twinkle in her eye.

                            • Neville

                              ............... makes sense to me ... cheers Michael .. I might just give that a try ... 🙂

                            • Fay Slimm.

                              Ha - With the first line's sweetest compliment I smiled at her prickly response through mis-interpretation of that one single word - - - - - clever linguistics again Nev.........x

                              • Neville

                                ............ thank you my dear friend ... yep, it doesn't mean its wrong just because it doesn't sound right, does it 🙂

                              • Goldfinch60

                                The F word seems to be part of the natural language now, there are so many other words in the wonderful English language that can be used to tell you to eradicate yourself to another position in your venerable society.


                                • Neville

                                  correct answer sir .. and thank you ... go to the top of the tree 🙂

                                • orchidee

                                  Cooee - you brought a cactus?
                                  'Smelling like a rose.....' They have thorns and prickles too!

                                  • Neville

                                    ..................... they do Oh' O 🙂

                                  • Jerry Reynolds

                                    That is so funny, Neville.
                                    I agree with Dave he thought you were hitt'n on his Mum.

                                    • Neville

                                      ..................... thank you Jerry 🙂

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