Algebraic Attack!


Ohhh! *((^($£*)&*!!&$

And furthermore - ()*&^$^&*NH£"^*~

And even - ()&*^%$%~~}I$£&**!!


Note to self:

Whatever's the matter Orchi?

Why you ranting and raving like this?

You'll make our ears burn

If you dared to translate this

Don't reach for the 'translate' function

On your laptop/computer, etc!


Nooo, I'm not in a state

I'm not in a mood

I'm doing a bit of algebra

Are ya familiar with them algebraic equations?

Or is it all as a foreign language to ya?


Oh yes, we can all do 3 + x = 5

Simples - the answer is 2

But what about:

3 x 4y + 2 bc / 4,536a - (3.6 - 47%) + 5.375 x bbc1?

I made that all up - did I?

Answers on a postcard if you know the answer


I dunno the answer

It could be

27 and a half pork pies plus 15 bags of crisps

For all I know


Notice the 'bbc1' at the end?

You pulling our leg Orchi?

Fido understands it perfectly of course.


Sometimes it's enough though

To make ya say &%$i]#+^8%$£)?!

Or to go barmy and say 


(£ obtained by 'alt gr' and '4' keys

On my keyboard anyway)

And I don't mean in an algebraic form!

Oohh! heehee.


Now c'mon Orchi, says Fido

You know there's only 24 and a half pork pies in the answer!

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 30th, 2021 01:59
  • Comment from author about the poem: And now a Maths lesson for today. arrrgghhh!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Neville

    a chuckleworthy deviation indeed ...

    I made the answer Thursday .. 🙂

    • orchidee

      Thanks Neville. Correct, says Fido! You, the fount of all wisdom. lol.

    • Doggerel Dave

      Nah - got to go back to basics - One is 1; Two is 2; Three is 3..........but after that, where can I go, Orchi?
      A mind expanding exercise caught on video....... .full speed ahead... Einstein move over - I'm catching up fast....

      • orchidee

        Thanks Dave. lol.
        I'm still fussing about whether 'to be or not be' To be or not to be what?!

        • Doggerel Dave

          Yes - a very deep and profound question, Orchi....I\'m not sure it is within my limited capacity to answer it comprehensively...The question was always put to me this way:
          "That that is is that that is not is not that so?"
          When you get the answer could you put it on a postcard and send it privately, as I don't want every one else to know....
          (I will reimburse you for the postage).
          PS: better be in a sealed envelope.

        • Accidental Poet

          Now I think I know why you sing the way you do Orchi. To drown out the other voices in your head. 😉

          • orchidee

            Thanks AP. lol.

          • Jerry Reynolds

            Great fun, Orchidee.
            Here in the US it is opt+3= £££££££

            • orchidee

              Thanks Jerry.

            • orchidee

              That makes sense Dave, if we put in the proper punctuation!

              • Doggerel Dave

                Thanks Orchi - I almost missed you right down here (no notification). Why have you sunk so low?

                • orchidee

                  Well, there was not a 'reply' button, for some reason. Maybe you had used it to reply to me?!

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Don't blame the programme orchi - there remains a reply button bottom right hand corner of my original comment. don't let's start a button dispute......there's enough rubbish gone on here in the past already.....

                    • orchidee

                      I couldn't see it. Doh! Maybe it did not allow a reply to a reply?

                    • Saxon Crow

                      It's called therapy Orchi. I think you'd benefit!

                      • orchidee

                        Thanks SC. lol.

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Good fun write Orchi but you know as well as I do the answer is 42.


                        • orchidee

                          Thanks Gold. lol. Neville thinks the answer is Thursday. So the answer could be 42 or Thursday, depending how you work it out. lol.

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