Michael Edwards





He wears his coat with collar high

his shoes sink deep

in whipped cream snow

beneath a leaden sky.


And lost as sward in snow bound meadow

night time feelings

in his wake

are lost in nights oppressive shadow.




With the day her dreams foregone

embraced no more

she sits alone

with just her memories lingering on.


Cold reason in her mind prevails

she wonders now

what lies beyond

within the future’s silent veils.






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Comments +


  • orchidee

    Good write M.

    • Michael Edwards

      Chow Steve - have you seen Miss Berles?

      • orchidee

        Erm, I was gonna ask you the same thing. There's millions of them Berles about!

      • Jerry Reynolds

        Good write, Michael.

      • Neville

        I've never had one of those .. well not yet anyway .. I've had a number that I try not to think about too often though ..

        Your pen worked a little bit of magic here Michael .. much enjoyed and true ................ N 🙂

        • Michael Edwards

          Nor me - we've just celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary and I don't regret a minute of it. Not sure where this came from.

          • Neville

            cor blimey guv' congrats from me to the pair of ya ............. N

          • Goldfinch60

            Such fine words on emotion Michael.


          • L. B. Mek

            there's always two murky sides
            in every story's, Tealeaf details
            but how well, you've served
            this treat of poetic artistry
            with such: outlined clarity..
            loved everything, from seeing your name
            on the screen, to reaching the final delightful letter
            of your poetic inking, thanks Michael
            (I won't ask
            just knock-on-wood and hope
            with all fingers crossed,
            but I'll share these words
            so at east you'll know, my friend)

            • Michael Edwards

              Yes I do know - you are so kind - not easy at the moment in a state of not knowing but should hear next Tuesday. Thanks as always for your kind words.

            • Laura🌻


              The first two stanzas of your poem remind me of a special person in my life.

              The last two brought tears to my eyes.

              The illustration is a poignant one…
              for me.

              For a few hours a day I stare in that ‘cup’ and contemplate about many things; extracting the best from the past and enjoying the present — while hoping for the best of what will be — one sunset 🌄and one sunrise 🌅 at a time.

              Thank you for sharing your words…very helpful.

              All the best,

              • Michael Edwards

                Thanks Laura the drawing is one of a set of 4 coffee cups which I've just done as a commission - white mount with a black inner and black frame - they look so effective. You've made me reread the last two lines and made me appreciate them even more. How are you keeping?

                • Laura🌻

                  I’m doing ok for now.
                  Thank you for asking.

                • Lorna

                  I've come back and I haven't seen you but see you posted this early August so hoping you are just on vacation. Waiting for your next one.........

                  • Michael Edwards

                    I'm still around but not posting so often as my wife is quite ill - but will be posting from time to time. Thanks for asking dear Lorna.

                    • Lorna

                      Oh my goodness...... I wish her well.......

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