Notice of absence from Doggerel Dave
I do return sometimes... occasionally...
I do return sometimes... occasionally...
Do feel free to call me Nostradamus (Got you in – didn’t it?)
As I am a prophet extraordinaire;
But prognostications superfluous -
To some I’m a pain in the derrière.
This is just because I’m a pessimist,
And in this world more right than I am wrong.
When I’m right that’s just fine; glad to assist.
And wrong? I’ve learnt something – here I belong.
Doggerel Dave (Pseudonym) (
- Published: August 20th, 2021 04:38
- Comment from author about the poem: This is for Jerry who once suggested I am a pessimist – a label I readily accept. My only point here is that I have no problem with being wrong: life is a learning experience and when wrong, I’m not only happy at the outcome; I’m happy because I’ve gained knowledge..
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 74
I don't think you're the old curmudgeon you lead us to believe. But that could be me just being optimistic.
You optimistic? Definitely. You have always appeared to me as optimistic, Lorna.
Would half curmudgeon satisfy?
Incidentally, the 'old' is embodied in 'curmudgeon' and is thus surplus to requirements. Want to add 'pedant' to my list of qualities? 😊
I'm a bit more like old mother Shipton .. maybe a little more optimist .. but then again ........................................
Wot brewing your own medications now, Doc?
Had a good twenty mins with Ma Shipton on W'pedia. Interesting - above all, she was a survivor in uncertain times..... Thanks for that one Nev.
Everyone is wrong from time to time but so few learn anything from the experience. Nice write Dave🙂
Thanks C. This ain't personal though - I'm pessimistic about life in general - sometimes....maybe a wee bit personal...
Never mind that, this old atheist/agnostic is hanging out for another bible story.....
Wrong or right who cares. The future in tomorrow. Today it is the poetry of a fine poet. Thank you Dave.
Definitely the optimist overlaid with the ability to be in the here and now.
Thanks for that Trenz.
You can't be a complete a pain in the derrière if this made me giggle, right?
It's pretty hard not to be a pessimist anyway. At least you're always prepared for the worst! (Wait, was that a bit of optimism on my end?)
Yes, I console (delude?) myself with the belief that discriminating folks don't believe me a pain in the you-know-where (not going to spell it again).
Optimism? Yes, perhaps... a kind of half price double negative... Or maybe....aah I'm no good at picking a bargain...
I am definitely an optimist in this life and because of that I can see fine lines in your incantations Dave.
‘Incantations’ - I’ve got to file that one away, Andy…When I give up my main project, which involves casting a sceptical eye and on occasion correction to all manner of dubious claims about love life and angels, I might go over to the dark side and set up my stall as ‘Purveyor of Spells, Incantations and Codswallop to the Needy Naive and Nefarious’ That just about covers the full spectrum, I think….😊
The pessimist tendency can be hard to the optimist who looks at life with a perpetual smile - my take is to try staying right in the middle and see both side. Good ;piece of advice in the final line here Dave.
Confession: I probably slightly overplayed it for the sake of the piece, however the reality is I am slightly more pessimistic than optimistic.
I do want the poem to be taken seriously, though - and you have done that : many thanks, Fay.
Just be you, don’t let anyone change you! Of course optimism can lead a man into thinking a man the river is half full, when’s it’s half empty, lol! I’d say either way watch out for the stone hidden inside
No one has so far, Dove. Yep, that ride on the river of life is bumpy anyway and all that can be done with the stones, is go round them if possible, but if not then shove - and you would be surprised - even the large ones can be mostly moved, if only marginally. I've done that with large corporations - much larger than anything I could possibly encounter here.....
really love it!!
Thanks Jane. What most impressed you?
i really love the 2ed stanza, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. the whole movement of the poem is very fluid, and honestly its a really enjoyable read!!
Oh great - another fan (for a while) Thanks for taking the trouble.
PS: Why Gin Gin? Surely you are so close to Bundaburg, you should be renamed Rum Rum. Could perhaps even extract a fee from the distillery for the advertising. Just a thought.....
Well done, Dave.
You have chosen the right image for your avatar. Dogs are pure pessimists. When you leave they are absolutely sure you have abandoned them. Explains why they are so elated when you return. Write on my friend.
Hey Jerry – I don’t feel abandoned, though over the course of a long life I may have had one or two women disengage from my presence as they considered me a pain in the ….. oh dear, I must communicate with ‘ass’ as it’s you, mustn’t I? 😊
This is much more about a general outlook on life and mankind’s doings, the validity or otherwise of propositions provided to us by Society’s power hierarchy and so on…wherever information comes from and whatever turns out to be the result.
PS: At the end of my first paragraph I placed a smiley emoji, thus: 😊
Does it turn out that way or as a square?
It's a smiley.
It's hard, sometimes, to stay normal of heart.
Thanks for the smiley info Jerry.
Hard sometimes is about right, I think.
The pessimist makes the best seer, because you are always right eventually! This made me laugh, partly because of the click bait title (you got us!) and the outright temerity of your claim!
Got to do something, ain't yer? I've never been a shrinking violet.
Thanks for the read - call again anytime.
A fine read if ever there was one. Chin up buddy.
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