Maybe She is the Girl


Maybe she is the girl who is awake at 3AM,

Staring up at the sky,

In awe of the stars and moon,

Wishing and hoping for a sign.

A signal to show what she is doing is right,

Or if she should've taken a different path,

Or if she should've made a different choice.

A signal to show that the pain is temporary,

And something better is heading her way.


Maybe she is the girl who is staring at the sky,

The sun dancing on the ground, through the leaves,

On the feathers of the birds soaring high,

On the petals of flowers and blades of grass,

On the fur and skin of every animal on the ground.


Maybe she is the girl who can still see the stars,

Twinkling, even in the day,

In awe of the sun and moon,

And their dance,

Knowing they will meet on rare occasions,

And yet, they don't seem to miss each other sorrowfully.


Maybe she is the girl whose eyes forever watches the skies,

Knowing there are entire worlds out there,

Knowing there are endless possibilities.

She watches as planes and birds fly over head,

Wanting to be up there.


Maybe she is the girl who gazes at the skies and smiles,

She is the girl who yearns for me,

She is the girl whose home is somewhere she cannot reach,

Somewhere amongst the sun, moon and stars.

  • Author: mrharrell (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 16th, 2021 19:25
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 15
  • Users favorite of this poem: Bobby O
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Comments +


  • Goldfinch60

    Your words show that she is in your mind all the time and she will be with you forever.


  • Caring dove

    This is lovely ! 🙂

  • Bobby O

    Maybe she is, no heck that, positively she is the girl w her fresh style and phrase opened a new part of the world , w words twirled leaving this new forever fan nodding, smiling, anew w eyes a glaze leaping to uncover , staying w constant amaze Ment.

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