Santa's Sacked!

Saxon Crow

The news is in and things are bad

Santa has been fired

For breaching so many rules in his time

The poor sods been retired

Risk assessments have been conducted

By the health and safety board 

And the police are investigating him on several counts of fraud

There's also breaking and entering

And charges of loitering in the street

Begging, coercing information and i won't mention scaring all the kids

Then MI5 really want to know

How he gets around, 

Without a passport, to every country and ever single town. 

And with all the languages that he speaks he is posing a heightened risk

So just for safety and assurances he's on their naughty list 

And animal welfare are up in arms

Because reindeer can't live on carrots 

And making them fly is just plain cruel

Their mammals not colourful parrots 

Greta Thornbergs not in school again

Because his sleigh causes climate change

And black lives matter are fuming because they can find nothing strange

And with these new rules put in place

He's definitely not isolating. 

Not wearing a mask or cleaning his, hands 

Means he's a walking infestation. 

So there you have it, the evidence is in

Christmas has been cancelled 

Santa is the world's most wanted man

It's a terrible situation 

But come Christmas eve when we are all asleep he'll be delivering presents

With some luck. 

Because Santa is made of joy and magic and doesn't give a fuck






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  • Saxon Crow

    My 3yr old has totally cottoned on to all of it now. Christmas is definitely in our house!

    A very happy Christmas to you and your family Teddy x

  • dusk arising

    Thank you for a good laugh with your punchline. You are quite the storyteller Saxon.

    I'd love to be around my grandkids at this special time of year for them. Covid has a lot to answer for but staying alive for a better day is my motivation.

    • Saxon Crow

      Thabks for stopping by Dusk. I won't get into the whole discussion and share my thoughts and opinions on it. But I will say..... Happy Christmas mate

    • L. B. Mek

      '*They're mammals not colourful parrots'
      thank you, dear Poet
      such a fun read

    • orchidee

      Yes, and a crafty disguise too, with that beard and red suit! lol.

    • woundedheart

      What about drink driving flying without a licence and slave Labour of the elves. Very amusing piece love the he's on their naughty list and he doesn't give a 😈

    • Doggerel Dave

      Gotta feel for the poor old fella - definitely from another era - unable to cope with modern values , and in all manner of shit.... Now in my day, in my day I say, he was allowed to just slip away quietly, when I didn't believe anymore.

      Chuckle time, Sax.

    • Coyote

      LMAO! Wow, excellent write Sax! Very clever indeed🙂

    • Goldfinch60

      Super fun write SC but with some truth laden in your words.


    • spilleronsheet

      What a masterpiece
      Kept me hooked with every Santa’s crime
      Really loved this poetry
      So unique
      Took me on a roller coaster of humour
      A very well crafted poetry

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