Guest List



If you can shake my hand; a certain way,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

I’ll toast to you, for my four years,

where I’ll work the magic of my fears.


If you were at; that elitist school,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

let us and the boys; initiate,

the whole entire nation; in to hate.


If you were voted in, like myself,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

this is how to do it, ignore your job,

as our constituents, don’t know shop.


If you are a discreet, boy in blue,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

remember, keep up with our chosen cases,

we’ve got to protect beautiful faces.


If you like to flash your stolen cash,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

pour your sugar, on the things we like,

even if it means an unemployment spike.


If you rub your hands, at the sight of war,

my friend, you’re on the guest list,

let us battle the oiks, until the death,

where this whole charade, will draw it’s last breath.

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 11th, 2022 05:25
  • Comment from author about the poem: Recently, a headline has become unavoidable, and yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s the party, in lockdown, at number 10. This somewhat satirical poem, outlines the qualifications needed to be on their guest list. I really do hope that things can get better, but I feel that such a wish, is futile. Accompanying the poem is an apt piece of clipart from ( I hope that you enjoy the poem, and as always, please stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 56
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  • dusk arising

    The very fact that this party took place is a disgrace when all over our nation people were not allowed to visit their dieing loved ones, nor their funerals, banned form care homes.
    So much bad feeling will arise from this particular party, it was truly in lockdown time when there were no vaccinations and the nation was on a plague footing.

    The sarcasm of your piece is well placed here. I doubt whether it would have made any difference if the PM and government were labour instead of tory for all those in power seem to exist in a different world to the rest of us.

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read dusk arising, and yes, I like you, am appalled at the frustrating hypocritical way in which this administration has been ran, and is still running, it needs to cease!

      I'm glad that you got the satire of the poem, and lets hope for a mass resignation to happen very soon, and for certain things to be mended.

      Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

    • L. B. Mek

      (a great write!
      thanks for inspiring my over opinionated - rant
      of a reply, dear poet)..
      just amazed, how they got
      the general public warring
      with each other
      over our vaccinated, status
      those gluttonous, morally bankrupt Bulletins
      with evermore, fearmongering
      unverifiable figures and guesses
      they walk around, making their filthy
      backhanded deals
      as if, COVID
      was just a tag line
      in some far-fetched
      sci-fi, plot scheme...
      (their is a reason why
      the 5th of November
      is my Favourite, remembrance
      and to think, of all those
      who died for this dreamed, reality
      we waste
      generation after wasted, generation!

      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks for the read L. B. Mek, and I wholeheartedly welcome your rant once again, many voices including ours, need to be heard, and the result will hopefully be, certain names being held to account, and them being sacked from their jobs.

        I'm glad that you got the message of this poem, and I hope for this government, the 5th of November will come early, after they have been dissolved as a result of their disgusting administration.

        Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

      • orchidee

        It's enough to make people believe, as some papers say, that the country is being run by Bozo, Coco, Thicko, etc - clowns!

        • AuburnScribbler

          Thanks for the read orchidee, and yes, the concept of popularism, has made too many sheep out of people, and they've allow the clowns, as you say, to assume control. It is very dangerous, and the people who do vote, need to heed of their senses before they choose.

          Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

        • woundedheart

          Boris can kiss my free pass i never voted for him and never will as he does not represent Britain or its true views, this is a fabulous piece full of truth. Kudos. 💟

          • AuburnScribbler

            Thanks for the read and your nice comment woundedheart, it is very much appreciated.

            Like you I've never voted for him, or anyone, for quite a long time, and you're right, he doesn't represent the true values of the country, he's just a walking, talking cartoon, that feeds the disgusting popular culture machine!

            Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

          • Rozina

            Marvellous poem. Politicians are the same the world over. Difficult to trust. A great write.

            • AuburnScribbler

              Thanks for the read Rozina, and I totally agree with your comment, they must be farmed in a "special" place somewhere.

              Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

            • Goldfinch60

              Such very true words Ben. It is absolutely awful that this party took place and they will not even admit it as the blame will now fall on the new lady Sue Gray who is 'investigating' the problem.

              "How do you know when a politician is lying?"
              "Their lips move!"


              • AuburnScribbler

                Thanks for the read Andy, and your old timey joke is very apt indeed.

                Also, after this "stall" of an investigation, lead by Sue Gray (who may be in their pockets, so to speak), they're make be a mass resignation, but those suits who boogied on down at Downing Street, will never ever sincerely apologise, as they think; that they are all above reproach, but they most certainly are not!

                Thanks again, and I hope that all is well!

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