Watch me unfold –
I mime the angelic steps to grace.
Watch the Earth unravel –
Like a view taken from outer space.
My, dear –
Our days aren’t many... but our lives are our legacy.
When the Eye consumes the World –
I’ll rest inside the dirt – I’ll fossilize my fears.
I’ll crumple up the pain – and set it bright aflame.
On my way to Heaven, I’ll instill that rich embrace.
And all that’s left of my body –
Will collapse like cellophane.
Rocky Lagou (
- Published: April 21st, 2022 09:20
- Comment from author about the poem: The world is all we have, and it's all we know. We're like origami, so graceful yet so delicate. Our journey is all we are, and the lives we lived is what is left. However, when the time comes, we'll face the inevitable. And everything physical will return back to where it came from.
- Category: Reflection
- Views: 33
- Users favorite of this poem: empty vial, theneophiles_words
Holy moley this is a great one! So deep, as usual ;). i liked it all but "I'll fossilize my fears" rang especially true for me, having panic disorder and all. You wrote beautifully, I very much enjoyed reading every bit!
Hi Christina! That line was actually inspired by a Mitski song called "Fireworks" in which she sings, "One morning this sadness will fossilize, and I will forget how to cry." That line has always been a favorite of mines and I really enjoyed the use of the word "fossilize" as it holds a lot of weight, so I decided to implement it in my own way here with that line. When we pass away, our fears will fade and we'll "crumple up the pain." So when we're entering the next world all we have to think about is that "embrace" or that love we felt during our time alive ("On my way to Heaven, I’ll instill that rich embrace") And out physical body will act like cellophane and fall apart. Really glad to see you enjoyed it, thanks as always. Have a wonderful day!
Good write Rocky.
Thanks Orchi! Hope I took you on a little journey through my words. The title was something I had in mind for quite some time now and I finally decided I'd act on that ambition. It's funny because most of the times, I think of the title for a poem first and THEN I write the poem. Idk if everyone does the same but it's what works for me. I like to think of a unique and creative idea and work around that basis. Your comment's much appreciated, have a lovely day!
you sure made me think Rocky
It's delightful to see I gave you some food for thought. In this poem I just wanted to reflect a little on the whole mortality thing and dig a little to our purpose here on Earth. It's different for each person but I feel what matters is that we "mime the angelic steps to grace" while we're alive. Or in simpler terms, act kind towards others the way an angel would and, in turn, reap that courteous goodwill. After all we're just "origami organisms," precious yet fragile. Thanks for the care Neville! Have a great day!
Each line prods and pokes; what is life, who are we? No one does this better than the poet, and you my dear poet have expressed this so beautifully. Thank you !
Oh, Bella, you're so generous. This poem definitely speaks to that purpose-seeking and "why?" we often find ourselves asking. There's so much to life but a factor that is paramount is our kindness to others. During our chaos we should always try to smile the most we can, because happiness is contagious. Thanks for the words, it truly means a lot. Have a fine day!
Amazingly optimistic poem here. It feels alive. Love it
Thank you kindly! It's nice to see you noted the hope that's subtly spread through the piece. I hint it with the lines "fossilize my fears" and "crumple up the pain." Sometimes the world will get overwhelming, but what matters is our attitude towards it. Have an amazing day!
Another thought provoking beautifully written poem. Thank you Rocky.
All the thanks is to you Rozina! Without people like you my poems would mean nothing. I feel writing is a selfless act as we do it with the intention to share it with others. It's truly my pleasure to see you felt my words and made you think. Have a spectacular day!
May that rich embrace surround the whole world Rocky.
Yes, indeed. That "rich embrace" is something that's so scarce in today's world. It could seem like we're just a mob of zombies desperately trying to find peace. We must share kindness with others always, and smile whenever we can. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and thank you truly for the review. Have a wonderful day!
This is beautiful!!
Thanks so much kind reader! I really appreciate your support. This poem spurred from all the questions we have in life, the "why's?" and "how's?" After all, when everything's done, our body will fade away, and our souls will go to their respective place. Have a wonderful day!
An Awesome description of how our body(origami) is a tiny model of the universe; and will merge with it one day. We only have what's in hand and should make the utmost use of it. Embrace all you can now, as the next second is not guaranteed. Enjoyable!
Thanks a bunch! You're always so kind, thanks, it really means a lot. It's great to see you grasped the metaphor, we're all like origami, so beautiful and gracious, yet so delicate and fragile. I will surely enjoy and cherish every passing day, hope you do the same. Best wishes!
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