Handheld God

Rocky Lagou

I swallow the sun at exactly the same time every day,

Just before it’s night.

The sunrays hug my guts –

And lights me up from inside.

As I think of new ways, my mind can coincide –

With ink –

Like a sync or a link –

Made with ink.

Or an ink waterfall

That I casually purify in.

I might as well wash my sins away with it.

Nonetheless, I ingest this yellow pill

As a way to keep me safe.

Because after daylight dims –

The darkness reinstates.

So, no matter if it’s dark out

I can carry a little bit of internal light wherever I go.

It serves as inspiration – whenever I have paper near.

It’s the reason I always carry my handheld God.


It’s what I write.

It’s why I write.

  • Author: Rocky Lagou (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 26th, 2022 11:01
  • Comment from author about the poem: This here goes to all the writers. Whenever we're in the "darkness," or in the slumps of life, we tend to simply "deactivate" that voice inside that beckons us to write. However, here I present a different perspective. We're all poets, and instead of carrying the darkness around whenever the darkness surrounds you, "swallow the sun" and ensure that whenever darkness does hit, you're prepared to deal with it, and then express it and give it new life via your poetry. Give your experiences new life through your words. ✍
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 40
  • Users favorite of this poem: Paul Bell
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  • Crowns4Christ

    Great job Rocky, and so true, keep writing, keep inspiring and definitely keep that pen and paper near

    • Rocky Lagou

      Thanks a bunch! I surely will keep pushing on everyday, and through this poem I also wanted to encourage others to do so as well. Whether we're in deep, you know during tough times, we all still have the potential to produce marvels through our words. It's almost therapeutic in a sense. I know that with enough effort we can all convey our emotions even when it seems impossible. Have a marvelous day and always keep that "handheld god" ready!

      • Crowns4Christ

        Haha,ok I will

      • Caring dove

        Good writing abs interesting too ! I have expressed myself and my sadness .. in my poetry sometimes and I think it can feel healing sometimes . If only we could carry that sun whenever we are sad .. maybe light is always there but we just have to transform the darkness into the light .. somehow or even if just a little bit . Darkness can definitely affect our sense of light

        • Rocky Lagou

          Exactly! When the darkness seems suffocating it can feel like we're not even in the mood to do anything, not even write. But if we learn to "preserve" that light (or happiness) while we're experiencing it, then when we're actually going through hardships we can learn to tap into that inner peace and express it through our words. It's truly a healing effect, as you mention. Thanks kindly for the remarks, have a lovely day!

        • sorenbarrett

          What a great metaphor. So well written. I loved handheld God.

          • Rocky Lagou

            Thank you! I'm truly delighted to see you felt what I was going for. When all seems dark and gloomy, we can shift our attitude by writing down how we feel, metaphorizing it, poetisicing it. It truly helps. That's why I love writing, and I believe everyone has the ability to do so. Have a marvelous day!

          • Christina8

            I love this! It's perfect to "swallow the sun" each day and make sure you write. I'm glad you do! The "handheld God" metaphor is so fitting. Great job, Rocky!!!

            • Rocky Lagou

              Hi Christina! The way you can just recurringly show up and always leave a heartwarming comment truly astounds me. Thank you very much for the compliments. This one goes to all the writers who, when facing tribulations, tend to shy away from writing. I completely encourage it, because after all venting how we feel can be an outlet to releasing that pent-up tension. Have a lovely day!

            • Michael Edwards

              A great write Rocky and yes - I shall swallow the sun.

              • Rocky Lagou

                Hey! Thank you kindly for the response! That whole sun metaphor is just to keep on pushing forward even during the hard times. I feel many times we're caught up when we reach difficulties in life and tend to want to quit or halt our creative processes, but instead of "deactivating" these systems we should learn to embrace them during the hardships. So let's all "swallow the sun" to creativity! Have a great day!

              • Saxon Crow

                A marvellous piece of poetry here Rocky. I enjoyed every line

                • Rocky Lagou

                  Hi dear poet! Thanks so so much for the time and care to read and leave a review. You are truly a poet I look up to on MPS. This poem is all about that drive for writing and that "light" we must always stoke inside of us. Have a marvelous day!

                  • Saxon Crow

                    Clearly you need improve on what you think is poetry. But thank you for the compliment it's very much appreciated! Keep those embers burning my friend.

                  • Rozina

                    A great piece of advice Rocky and not just for poets but also for everyone who can use other outlets to release tension. I try to improve my awful drawings, practise guitar chords, clean up the house thoroughly.......

                    • Rocky Lagou

                      Literally so relatable. I also play the guitar (or at least pretend I do, hehe) and it truly helps to have that sense of inner courage. So instead of being under the weather, we can learn to see beyond the gray clouds and into the sun. Thanks as always for your sweet replies! Have a wonderful day!

                    • spilleronsheet

                      God or being belief
                      The faith or our dreams
                      Anything that keeps our hope alive
                      Resurrects our fallen self
                      So beautifully expressed dear Rocky….that’s what makes us and that’s what makes us keep going….

                      • Rocky Lagou

                        Exactly dear poet! Our hope or that "inner light" we must continuosly "swallow each day" is that driving force inside that pushes us to keep going. Whether it be actual belief in the divine or simply an expressive outlet like poetry, it truly helps to relieve the stress and create art that'll resonate with many. Thanks for the kind comment, have a lovely day!

                      • Paul Bell

                        We all grasp inspiration from somewhere. Probably being down maybe draw us out a bit more than being high. I don't think I've ever sat down and wrote something, that just doesn't happen. I have been in company plenty of times when something's came into my head, and excused myself quickly to at least get some words down.

                        • Rocky Lagou

                          Wow quite interesting to see how inspirations just "pop" into our heads. Usually for me they come to me when I'm trying to fall asleep. It's happened at least like 20 times now that I can't manage to fall asleep because of an idea beckoning me to write. Poetry is versatile and different for each person, that's why it's special. Thanks a bunch for the comment, much appreciated, have a wonderful day!

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