I think the day they
Lay me to rest a soft knock
Will awake me from my slumber.
And a certain sir will open the plank from underneath
My crumbling coffin, and lead me to the
hideout where all the deceased poets reside.
I know Emily will be reciting her poems in the underground
Campfire smoke.
Maybe Whitman will be writing a rhyme whilst creepily admiring
Each person’s skin.
Hopefully Sylvia would have been recovered from her sadness,
And toast some s’mores for each of us.
Langston will sing a song of freedom.
And Maya will be fixing each of our hairs –
With abundant care.
Maybe, just maybe,
Shakespeare will be there.
But the thought that may well daunt me -
Is what I’d be doing there?
Rocky Lagou (
- Published: April 27th, 2022 10:35
- Comment from author about the poem: This is one I wrote a bit ago, I'm currently drowning in schoolwork so I'm taking a rest from writing for now. Sometimes we feel out of place, even in our own "circles." Then again maybe it's just inhibition. Just a little poetic thought! 🤷♂️
- Category: Fantasy
- Views: 61
- Users favorite of this poem: arqios
Dear Rocky, your poem has lifted me up and made me smile from ear to ear. I love what each of these poets could be doing, and it's comforting to think of them this way, they seem so very human. Thank you for the bright spot in my week.
Oh, dearest Bella! Hearing these words literally leave me speechless. No words from my part can measure up to the gratitude in my heart. I just strive to create words that'll have that exact connection with readers, be it a smile or a good laugh. When I wrote this poem I was pondering on the fun idea of having like one big reunion of all the poets who have come to pass and like one big campfire...but underground. It's quite zany but that's just my style, and to see you noted the humanization of each poet is also really uplifting. I wanted to make sure each of them stood out in their own way. Thanks so so much Bella, have a lovely day! 💖
You really did bring them to life! I don't know if we ever really think about who these people were. We know them only through their poetry, or what some else has written about them, but we never know their own story and every one has one. You did real good poet!
Well, we shall be pouring our hearts together
Maybe debating the world how wrong it has gone today?
Or was it worst from the start
Quite an engaging poetry dear Rocky…
Hiya Spiller! Thanks so much for the read and comment! I thought that a reunion with all the passed poets would be such an enjoyable ride! I mean just imagine everything that'll be revealed, there's still so many mysteries in the poetry world. I hope to see everyone from MPS there as well, especially you! Glad you enjoyed my little poetic thought, have a wonderful day!
very enjoyable poem
Hey! Thanks so much for leaving a comment and taking the time to read. It truly means a lot to me. I'm so glad to see you enjoyed the poem, it's definitely a type of poem I haven't posted in a while, just little burts of creativity that pop into my head. Hope I made you feel welcomed in this little world of poets, have a wonderful day!
Good write R.
Hey Orchi! A little goofy one from me today, hope I at least made you smile and wonder. Many thanks for taking the time to read, I know it can be difficult to read and respond to poems sometimes (especially with all the hecticness in life), so it means a lot me. Have a fantastic day!
Sorry, I think my reply is coming later in the day, but this is fabulous!! Imagining each of these poets and what they'd be doing gives pause....but you would certainly be there where all great poets go..:) This is absolutely lovely!!
Thanks so much for the appreciation Christina! I just wanted to express this fun idea of reuniting with other poets who have tread the Earth in one big underground campfire. However when I was writing this I thought to myself, "just imagine the looks on their faces when they see me." It's just a small quirky idea. However, I'm more than sure you'll be there as well. You're a wonderful poet and deserve your spot among the greats. Thank you for you and your words, have a magnificent day!
Thank you for the compliment Rocky, you have a magnificent day as well!!
Oh that very last line. Never forget that, among all the greats, what shines through is originality... there's only one person with your originality.
Oh dear Dusk! You've truly brought a smile to my face. All I can say is thank you and I'm very humbled for such a sweet compliment. I do hope that the afterlife will be something fun and innocent like a simple poetic gathering where everyone will have their voice heard and just toast some s'mores while their at it. You'd definitely be there as well, I'll be honest I've never seen someone be able to describe such profound and rich emotions and situations with such shortness and finesse as you do. I hold every poet here on MPS with much care and gratitude for inspiring me everyday. Have a lovely day Dusk!
A little fantasy never hurts. It reminds me of an old song by Tex Ritter "Hillbilly Heaven" It was fun to read but I would feel a bit out of place there.
I just searched up the song you mentioned and "oh my" was I in for a treat. I love the lyrics and the rhythmic tone of it all. I'm so glad to see you enjoyed my "fantasy." I usually steer away from writing "little make-believes" but sometimes it's good to just write till the heart's content. After all it's good fun. I'm also glad you noticed that sense of being "out of place." I guess that could be taken as an underlying theme. Sometimes our self-consciousness tells us that we don't belong in a certain place but the actual situation says otherwise. It's all about the perspective and the initiative we take by taking the first step. Thanks so much for the review, it means a lot, hope you had fun in the little world of poets. Have a great day!
A brilliant and amusing poem and I must say I'm some what relieved by the last line haha.
Hehe. Well that's the first one I've gotten who's read it from that perspective, "a relief." Well in a sense I guess being "out of place" could be better off than actually "rolling with the cool kids." It's less pressure for sure, but c'mon don't you wanna pit your poetic skills against world-renowned poets like Emily Dickinson and William Shakespeare? Well actually looking back it I see why this may be a relief. Haha. But in all seriousness thanks for the reply and read. It really fills my heart with joy to see what I write can connect with others. Have a wonderful day!
Wellllllll I've got more chance of winning upstairs if the bad ass poets are down! Haha
You would be among other great poets like yourself Rocky, where you deserve to be
You're so sweet! You would too dear poet, I believe we're all poets at heart. I'm very glad to see you enjoyed my little make-believe, thanks abundantly for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!
Above or under ground, you connect. You rock!
Hehe. Thanks Rozina for the kindhearted remarks. You rock too, I really hope to see you in the underground bonfire among the poets! Just a little bit of fun, have a lovely day!
Good fun write Rocky, we will meet them all eventually.
Thanks so much, I'd like to think so as well. I feel many depictions of the afterlife in religions and philosophies seem a little mundane, wouldn't it just be cool to have a large reunion with the history's greatest poets? Ah, just a little poetic thought. Thanks a bunch for the appreciation though, I would be looking forward to see you there as well. Have a marvelous day!
The ending was great
Thanks a bunch! I like to kind of catch the reader's off guard with some of my poems so I'm glad to see it had that effect. All in all, it's just some fun and fanciful thinking, but who knows it may well just be! Have a great day!
Mayhap you will be doing what you have been doing here, and so much more!
Hi! Thanks kindly! To see your generous remarks on my poems truly brighten my day. I always try to write from the heart, and "pour" myself onto whatever sheet I can; all in efforts to share it with others and hopefully inspire. Have a lovely day dear reader!
Let your light shine! Love one another as we are loved by Him. Whatever it takes, that we might bring them to Jesus... from the heart, pouring ourselves out, sparing no effort.
this is so touching and i relate so much to this! sitting next to your idols, everyone would get imposter syndrome haha at least i would too.
just know: you really do not need to worry! reading through your new verses (i’ve been inactive lately) i feel more than ever that you’ll get very far with this! your poems show so much promise and feeling inadequate might just be a good thing. i’d be way more worried if you were boasting with confidence 😉 i always feel like the genius visits people who struggle with art every now and then, more often. everything else it might find boring, don’t you think?
Yes, I agree 100% and wholeheartedly. It really is just that, "imposter syndrome." It's often our own sense of achievement and worth that brings us down. Your compliments are truly so kind, thanks so much. I always strive to connect with readers, after all I feel that writing is a selfless act, you're doing it with the intent to share it with others. So thank you so much for connecting with this one. Have a wonderful day!
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