Tune: Diademata
('Crown Him with many crowns')
Psalm 72 parts - Originally written for King Solomon.
Give the Queen your judgements
O God, wisdom and sense
You have upheld year seventy
All by your good grace be
And give your righteousness
To royalty, them bless
So shall they judge your people free
With righteousness, so be
And the poor of the land
They shall assist, good hand
Of justice, judgement shall be shown
And your ways shall be known
Help unto the needy
Freedom from tyranny
As they do your justice dispense
O God, from now and hence
Grant they be like the rain
Which showers earth again
Bringing refreshment in their days
Righteous flourish in ways
Of the Lord, and too peace
Abundant, ne'er shall cease
Shall endure long as moon and sun
Their nature courses run
Their name shall endure e'er
In blessings we do share
All people, nations, give Him praise
For many gracious days
Silver, gold, and diamond
A rich heritage fund
Platinum, three score years and ten
You favour us again
orchidee (
- Published: June 2nd, 2022 02:34
- Comment from author about the poem: Patriotic and royal time in the UK! A hymn-poem in format. This poem was also accepted for a church magazine.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 16
An additional few lines - the last half of the final stanza.
a most regal, timely and golden poem Mr. O ...................................... Neville
Thanks N.
A great poem !!
Thanks Judy.
I got platypus prosperity. And the platypi are out of reach. So I'll go with the promise that only God could keep, Thanks for sharing.
Thanks CB. Teef OK? (Not that nonsense again, lol.).
Better actually, third appointment with the toof doctor this coming week.
Wow, I want to read the magazines where this is in. Mind telling?
Thanks Rocky. It's only a 'Poetry Corner' on one page of the magazine.
Such a beautiful use of language! I really enjoyed reading your poem.
Maybe you want to check on mine too? I'd be happy if you leave a comment. I'ts always exiting to know what other people like about your work. 🙂
Thanks L.
Good one Orchi.
Thanks Gold.
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