Until All's Undone

Rocky Lagou

Of all there is to say – words fall short.

I can’t articulate my emotions anymore.

I don’t know emotions anymore.


The babel of fiends,

This can’t possibly be me. This is not me.

Yet it is these mysterious wisps that I cannot grasp...


That give me my name.

Wherein the flickering flames – engulf me of my being.

My mom is the moon, my dad is the sun.


Until all's undone, I will cling to them,

Despite the distance, despite the discord.

Mister Sir, Your Majesty, I must spit this useless heart of me.

  • Author: Rocky Lagou (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 18th, 2022 11:21
  • Comment from author about the poem: This poem was born out of another poem that I wrote on a small notepaper and hid in a shoe for about a month or so. However, when I finally went back to retrieve the poem, it had disintegrated and faded over time. I felt a voice telling me to revise it, or what I remembered of it, into a new rebirth. It's very different from the original, which was set in a desert and felt too elusive, so this is just a pure expression of what I feel like now, and how I've felt like since the passing of my mother almost 4 years ago. It's a constant battle.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: Bobby O, Garth Rakumakoe
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  • Bella Shepard

    This is such a deeply emotional poem my dear Rocky, one that courageously bares the soul. I applaud the words you have found to express these feelings. Take care my friend, you are always thought of.

    • Rocky Lagou

      Hi dear Bella, it's so nice to hear from you. I embrace your kind words with an open heart, this poem was written in a dark state, but people like you give me hope to keep on fighting the good fight. You're so generous, have a great day beloved poet.

    • arqios

      And the stars are friends. In the end the Muse and poetry is ultimately your soul echoing back to yourself and equlibriates.
      Happy Thanksgiving.

      • Rocky Lagou

        So true dear poet. Poetry really provides the poet with the ability to vent pent-up emotions and experiences and give it a new life. This poem was definitely a "purging" of sorts that allowed me to breathe a little. Thanks abundantly for your kindness, have a wonderful day.

      • Crowns4Christ

        Hi Rocky,it's Melissa,formerly blue orchid,this one is kinda sad,depicts my state of mind right now,I'm in Florida to be with Dion,but his mom threw me off the property,so I'm trying to figure things out,I've been here two days but nothing yet,it's nice to be back on mps again though

        • Rocky Lagou

          Hi dear poet! It's so nice to hear from you again Melissa, it's truly been a while. I'm so sorry to hear that you're also going through a rough time at the moment. I know how family stuff can get, but I know that your love for Dion must be fervent enough for you to still stick with him despite the hardships. I really hope the sky starts to clear for you. Much love and many thanks

          • Crowns4Christ

            Aww thanks Rocky,it means so much

          • Kinsey Peterson

            The understanding of emotions... something that I have struggled with. Thank you for the words, having been having a hard time it feels nice to know I'm not alone.

            • Rocky Lagou

              Hi Joan, it's so nice to hear from you again. I feel like depression, especially among youth, is so dangerous. But it's really comforting to see that you could resonate with my words. Just remember that you are not alone in this fight, it's a constant battle, but one that's worth fighting for. Have a beautiful day dear poet.

            • Bobby O

              Rocky , Dude, you write well. Better than most and Iā€™m enjoying diving into your words that seem to drive the point w emotion and wisdom beyond your age. YOU GO!

              • Rocky Lagou

                Hello poet! This comment is literally so encouraging, you don't even imagine. My goal in poetry is always to convey a message that is potent and relatable, and to see you could resonate with my words means the world to me. Thanks a bunch!

              • Garth Rakumakoe

                You excavate emotions your own way. Your originality is ever remarkable. This piece says reveals a lot about vulnerability and heartache, hand in glove. A favorite of mine this, gifted one. Blessing and healing your way... šŸ™šŸ¼

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