So Very Lightly Hued


So Very Lightly Hued


look there in the grate where all our ashes lay strewn  ..

like physalis leaves dried, the same colour as straw

yet much paler by far than the true glow of our moon ..



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  • Goldfinch60

    May that moon always shine on your life Neville.


    • Neville

      Now there's a thought .. thank you kindly .. Neville

    • orchidee

      Good write N.

      • Neville

        Thank you Orchidee .. That'll do nicely sir .. Neville

      • Cassie58

        This little piece of brevity is exquisite in both its sadness and delicate beauty. Where the ashes lay strewn in the grate, there once burned and thrived the heat of a memorable fire. The moon knows that, sees everything and is eternal. The glow of the moon is dazzling. Have a lovely Wednesday Neville.

        • Neville

          You and the moon have a few things in common Cassie .. in my eyes, you both shine .. Thanks &
          I hope your Wednesday was a good one too .. Neville

        • Doggerel Dave

          Hallucinatory write, Neville.

          • Neville

            maybe it was something I ate .. perhaps .. πŸ™‚

          • Eugene S.

            A pale moon within a husk of straw. Love the imagery, and where you went with this!

            • Neville

              and I am most grateful to you for stopping to consider my latest little scribble Eugene, many thanks indeed .. Neville

            • Bobby O

              We fade to a status that can’t match the world we inhabit.

              • Neville

                I think that is one of the most astute reviews imaginable at this particular juncture .. cheers B .. N πŸ™‚

              • Thomas W Case

                Beautiful work.

                • Neville

                  Too kind Thomas, way too kind .. Neville

                • MendedFences27

                  Like every fire ever created it is reduced to ashes, but during its passion it shone brighter than fire itself. Your poem describes a maturing relationship in the best way possible, loved it. - Phil A.

                  • Neville

                    You just made my evening Phil.. thank you and kindly sir .. Neville

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