One Without Frills Would Be Fine


One Without Frills Would Be Fine


Forget about beautiful women,

nine times out of ten,

   they are so full of themselves ..

They have neither

the room, or the time for men

   like us, ordinary guys ..

The ugly ones though, tend to be

more eager and grateful for

the time they are given

   and for just about everything ..

As a rule, they will

   bend over backwards to please ..

But give me a plain or

   a pretty girl, any day of the week ..

In fact one, without frills,

hangups, baggage or attachments,

   would be just fine by me ..






  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 3rd, 2024 01:03
  • Comment from author about the poem: I am not responsible for what the muse places upon my table .. and anyway, beggars can not be choosers 🤍
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 38
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  • orchidee

    An image of a frilly KP makes me swoon - not in delight, but in horror! lol.

    • Neville

      Beauty is of course in the eye & the mind of the beholder

      • orchidee

        I behold trouts - old ones, methinks! lol

      • Goldfinch60

        True beauty comes from the heart Neville so what you see may not necessarily be true.


        • Neville

          the Kings English is so constraining .. but then I guess that's why the gods invented poetic licence ..

        • sorenbarrett

          And so it is with all the humble. Not particularly Christian but the passage applies "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" Some of the best at the things they do are the humblest. Nicely written Neville.

          • Neville

            forgive me for I know I have sinned .. but there's a dreadful amount of poetic licence going on here ..🤞

          • MendedFences27

            To find such a creature would be the end of many quests. Some of us are just damned lucky. A brilliant expose' of the eternal search. Loved It. - Phil A

            • Neville

              Many thanks Phil .. I invariably feel a whole lot better when you have checked in my friend .. please keep checking in .. Neville

            • Cassie58

              The never ending search for the woman who will satisfy all those dreams. Maybe luck plays a part in it. I certainly don’t think it’s a science:) I found humour here but there again I’m not at all pc. Your final three lines made me laugh. You have probably excluded most of the female availability 😀 Perfection is hard to come across. Have a wonderful Saturday Neville .

              • Neville

                You do realise this is not the real me don'tcha .. this is just me trying to be a bit tongue in cheeky .. of course you do .. Have a super Sunday Cassie 😎👍

              • Doggerel Dave

                I’m not trying to claw pant and puff my way onto high moral or aesthetic ground here, but I do find such terminology as ‘beautiful’ and ‘ugly’ when utilized in a judgmental sense as rather……. irrelevant and somewhat degrading for those on the uncomfortable end of the spectrum.
                Stap me vitals, Sir – keep yer uncharitable thoughts in yer head not out, as I do mine…….!

                • Neville

                  ... should I hit the delete button now or wait for the nod?

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Nah give it time - maybe the nod will never eventuate.....😇🙃

                  • Dan Williams

                    Beautiful wome have caused the lions share of the grief and hardship in my life. The proverbial 'sucker for a pretty face"

                    • Neville

                      .......... Mums the word, but I'm keeping shtum .. Cheers Dan .. Neville

                    • 2781

                      It may or may not be true, but, I notice a lot of beautiful women with very average looking men.
                      Which makes me think, why?

                      • Neville

                        My guess is its either real love or money ..

                        • 2781

                          Or maybe some lookers lack substance?

                        • Bobby O

                          When they bring authenticity their beauty grows and grows

                          • Neville

                            How very true my friend .. thank you .. N

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