



The daily winding of my late father’s

silver pocket watch

who was never late for anything ..

And of course,

the constant thumbing of loose

change, while watching

her practice Tai Chi in the garden

and the covert

pelvic floor muscle exercises in

the bedroom, which

gave purpose and made her feel

special and wanted ..

While I try to rid myself of the fear

of performing

a new embu, in public, or reading

one of my poems

out loud, at the bar while listening

to BBC news

on the telly and then taking porridge

for breakfast ..

Unless on vacation, in which case,

let’s make it 

 full English, with real Danish Bacon ..


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  • Doggerel Dave

    A new Kenyan dance, Neville?

    • Neville

      It was the Gambia & Senegal .. and no, not a dance exactly .. but a moving prayer .. Muchly appreciated tho' Dave & no kidding .. Neville

      • Doggerel Dave

        Any time, mate.

      • Alan R

        That was quite entertaining πŸ˜‚

        • Neville

          Cheers πŸ‘

        • sorenbarrett

          Some rituals are enjoyable such as that breakfast that you have made me hungry for. Nevill the poem itself reads in a hypnotic manner as if a mantra or ritual very nice.

          • Neville

            I may be a little biased, but I do like a full English brekkie .. and nowhere does em quite like they do here in England .. Cheers .. I just made myself hungry too .. Neville

          • Accidental Poet

            I'll try that full English breakfast with eggs, bacon and home fries, smells so good. 😊

            • Neville

              You got it squire .. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

            • Bella Shepard

              Rituals are very powerful things, just try to change one and perhaps your whole day is off kilter. Love the poem, and I can thoroughly relate to rituals.

              • Neville

                I was hoping you might pop in this mane Bella .. many thanks for living up to my expectations & massaging my ego .. Neville

              • MendedFences27

                Somebody mentioned "a full English" and I got hungry and started thinking of food, which brought me to this irrelevant question, "If you are blindfolded and do not know what country you are in but are told you are in a restaurant, would you order Bread. Sausages, Bacon, or Chocolate?
                I think we all have such "Rituals." They are all very personal habits built over the decades of life. Your poem reaches to the inner self of the reader. Thoroughly enjoyed by me. - Phil A.

                • Neville

                  I do love my bread, thick and crusty and although I don't have it often, I have a thing about bacon .. but not the US kind that to me is like a crispy sliver of razor blade that shatters if one tries to cut it .. thanks a million for checking in Phil .. I guess it would have to be cho πŸ™‚

                • orchidee

                  A chap in church did so much ritual and crossing-of-self, bowing, etc, that I thought 'You'll be worn out before the service even starts!'

                  • Neville

                    Perhaps he had Saint Vitas Dance

                    • orchidee

                      Yes maybe.

                    • Bobby O

                      It’s a saunter thru a here and there possibilities that command a certain order

                      • Neville

                        I just can't resist thanking thee Bobby O ..

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Full English without Black Pudding is not a Full English Neville. LOL


                        • Neville

                          You are so right mate and fried bread let's not forget the staples .. πŸ‘

                        • Cassie58

                          Morning rituals. I always touch the sterling silver chain with its delicate pendant that hangs round my neck and which my mum wore till her dying day. I listen for the birdsong from the garden, and watch the movement of the silver birch outside my window. I’ve never focused before on these. I enjoyed reading about your rituals and I do agree that nothing can beat a full English. I like your thinking here Neville. Have a super sunny Sunday.

                          • Neville

                            I am delighted by your visit and thank you for sharing Cassie .. I did and hope you did too, now its back to the old grindstone .. Neville

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