Michael Edwards





A pinch is a drop in a snippet

And a tad’s a wee dram of a dash

A smidgeon’s no more than a dollop

All lost without trace of a scrap.

  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 13th, 2024 00:57
  • Comment from author about the poem: Yes I'm still here - one of my latest nonsense pieces plus one of a series on monoprints I'm currently working on.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 74
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, sorenbarrett
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  • Doggerel Dave

    It's like old times - happy days, Michael.
    Like your minimalist style, different again from your previous pins here.
    Oh and not forgetting your mind bending nonsense....
    I hope to see more.

    • Michael Edwards

      Still doing watercolours etc but just been working on these for a shop window display. Yes good to be posting again.

    • orchidee

      Good write M. Seen Miss Berles about?!

      • Michael Edwards

        Miss Berles has been a tad poorly with missing sylable syndrome but alls well again. She now has them aplenty. Hiope you're well.

        • orchidee

          OK thanks M. Miss Berles wants to know - why does it say 'chough' on the 'Notifications' list, and 'chuff' in your poem here?

        • Neville

          Good to have you back my friend .. hope you shall linger .. Neville

          • Michael Edwards

            Yes hopefully I'll get back into the habit - been a difficult couple of years but getting back on track again.

            • Neville

              I do understand my friend and shall keep my fingers well & truly crossed that things start to improve real soon .. Neville

            • 2781

              I prefer a chug-a-lug

              • Michael Edwards

                Don't they come in drams?

                • 2781

                  Good point, I am not a scotch drinker.
                  I take it back!

                • Goldfinch60

                  Good to see your works again Michael, both writing and art.


                • Teddy.15

                  Well that's a fun tongue twister dear Mr Edwards 🌹 and strangely I'm coughing now. 🤣

                  • Michael Edwards

                    Thanks Teddy - hope the cough goes away - keep smiling.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Love these old measures Stones, furlongs, gill and cubit for a few. A most fun read well composed

                  • Tom Dylan

                    Nicely done. This one made me smile. There's a phase I hear some of my Welsh friends use, 'I will do it now in a minute.' That too makes me smile. 🙂

                    • Michael Edwards

                      Reminds me of one my wife used to use: It's coming down to rain.

                    • MendedFences27

                      Welcome back. Hope all is well. Made me chuckle. (A chuckle's a whisper of a laugh). Your artwork looks modernistic. A new medium for you?
                      Enjoyed your little ditty. - Phil A.

                      • Michael Edwards

                        Hi MF - All is well and you? As for the art not so much a new medium but a new technique which I really enjoying - got several exhibitions coming up so need a few and working on them at the moment.

                      • Dan Williams

                        Such economy of words plays well here. Good work.

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