Bitter Sweet Springs
Back in the day when
the water
ran clear, deep and so
freely ..
From the top of the hill
and on
down by the old stone
the blocked footpath
and once
oh’ so green pastures ..
Long before
all of these darn dams,
darned ditches and the
new builds came along
and spoilt
all our pretty views,
and then,
proceeded to poison
our precious
fresh water supplies too ..
Neville (
- Published: August 14th, 2024 02:07
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 65
- Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett, Accidental Poet, Qurrathul Ain
That's true. I remember as a boy catching tadpoles in clear still water, and drinking from the running waters. Now we all have filtered water, and a thousand other fears.
I am looking forward to paradise revived.
gulp, thanks for diving in
Nice one - thankfully there's still a lot of unspoilt countryside near where I am which I enjoy when I take Stanley for his walks. Which reminds me - I'm running late must get some treats and poo bags and make for the door. Mind you he's fast asleep in his basket so it can wait for a bit..
I live in the middle of the beautiful Somerset countryside .. still I am ever conscious of the fact we are an island race and that the population is increasing even as I type .. and that means changes afoot
Corporate greed over environmental stress - don't get me going, but thanks for the prompt, Neville.
I'm write there with ya 👍
And you did get me going.....
This strikes at the heart of (progress?) or should I say growth. So nicely penned both reality and a metaphor as well and how we are poisoned by our own actions. Loved it Neville
I like the way you think and see things sb .. thankyou kindly and so much .. Neville
Good write N.
I give KP stagnant water to drink. I say to her 'It's green; eco-friendly, dear!' lol.
I bet you are great fun at a party
We live in a rural area, and the incursion of building, whether high density housing, or business is killing our natural beauty and peace of mind. I concur with everything you've said, sadly.
its a global problem of our own making .. I'm digging a bunker on my off duty .. cheers Bella
This planet can sustain only a given number of people, before it dies. This creates a battle between population control (and all that goes with it) and territorial expansion (not just industry, but many other groups seeking land}. However, it is inevitable that we must control the population and limit expansion. One feeds the other. More people more expansion, goodbye planet.
Your poem localizes this problem and draws attention to the way such expansion effects people. It's a mighty big problem currently with no solution. The directness of the poem lends to its intensity and amplifies the fears raised by the problem. Very enlightening and very scary poem. - Phil A (see message}.
I bet you were either a sniper, or in Robin Hoods gang back in the day .. I say that becuz you hit the target each time you pass by .. Cheers P .. N
Literally the scene in front if my balcony now
................................... Ouch
This poem makes me feel sad. When green belt land is concreted over with housing for a population explosion. Progress? I think not. We are a small island. Expect far more building in the future. I like to reflect on what used to be. It was much nicer, but then I’m old fashioned.
Too much concrete doesn’t help when rivers flood and the water can’t drain away.
Don’t talk to me about fresh water pollution. Daren’t even dip my toes in the Thames these days. Much to think on here Neville.
Thanks so much C .. I'll give drinking to that a miss .. I'm not a fan of either concrete or Formica .. N
So very true Neville.
Glad you are on my side Andy
A thought-provoking piece, Neville. Nicely captured.
Many thanks Tom ..
I never thought I'd see the trees disappearing, or that I'd be buying bottles of water instead of drinking tap water, or raving lunatic running for president. 🫤
I've just finished the foundations for the bunker .. the reinforced concrete is on order and I got a shed load of Perrier on tap .. gonna keep my head down for a while & see what happens next .. 👍
I hear that, guess I'd better build my own bunker too. 🫤
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