You, Me and My Dog .. and Blame It on Saint Marlo


You, Me and My Dog


If I could be

   somewhere else today ..

Then I would

chose to be anywhere

   in Somerset ..

Just as long as you were

right there,

   beside me and my dog ..



Blame It on Saint Malo


Saint Malo, is where

   I found truth ..

But where I also left

my innocence

   and indeed my youth ..

So long ago

   and very far behind me ..

Yet now tho’

in particular, I do recall

her fingers

like a harpist or some

young croupiers

so long, so slender, quick

   and very cool ..






  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2024 01:00
  • Comment from author about the poem: I am me, you are you, my dog is a border terriorist & Somerset is the County we love mostest ... Saint Marlo is in France .. another dubble helping folks, sorry 🤍
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
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  • orchidee

    Good writes N.
    I of course will fail to see the links between two poems if they are the least bit cryptic. If there are any links, that is. lol.

    • Neville

      there are none so don't fret ..

    • sorenbarrett

      A border terrorist, is that like a border collie? You always get me thinking farther than my lazy brain wants to go, particularly on a Sunday. I think that border terrorist is guarding the border between Summerset and France. Oh oh my insanity is showing through. Great write Neville

      • Neville

        she's a border terrier .. thanks for taking a peek .. sorry for the headache .. N

      • Doggerel Dave

        Zummerzet where the Zider apples grow....

        Saint Malo - Got the title late in life, but behind his cassock he knew a thing or two........

        • Neville

          You got it you old dog Dave ..

        • MendedFences27

          I traveled in Somerset, once. Went into a pub there, and the barman said I should try the local cider. I should not have listened to that man.
          Never been to Saint Malo, but trust you remember it well. Perhaps more than just fingers. - Phil A.

          • Neville

            the local stuff can be lethal .. the uninitiated think it tastes like a soft drink but it can kick like a mule .. and St Malo is something else too 🙂

          • jarcher54

            One of these is brilliant and moving, the other a flop! (-:

            • Neville

              I must try to do better next time

            • Michael Edwards

              And my little dog - Stanley. As for the second it was caravan park on the Isle of Wight - ah memories.

              • Neville

                Ooh err Matron ....... say hi to Stan M .. N

              • Cassie58

                I have never been to St Malo. Seems you have some very clear memories of a long time ago when you were young and innocent. On the other hand I have been to Somerset many times and have memories of very happy family holidays there. I love your first poem Neville. It speaks to me of you wishing you were in your home territory with those you love best.

                • Neville

                  St' Malo is one of them must see places Cassie .. you really should check it out .. ta for checking in .. N

                • Dan Williams

                  Yes, very cool indeed. Is she gone? Is the dog? Well done.

                  • Neville

                    No, she's with me most of the time .. cheers

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Those ladies of yours seem to be all over the world Neville.


                    • Neville

                      I'm not sure about that .. I've not been to Oz or NZ yet ..

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        I'll let the sheilas know - just in case.....

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