Long Distance


while rummaging in my 

dressing table top drawer 

for my mother’s blue-grey 

long drop earrings 

i found you 

framed in gold 


at thirty one 

looking so damn handsome 

one of your father’s better 

photographic efforts 

he captured that hungry look 

in your hazel eyes 

that melted mine 

on our first meeting 


your black hair curled slightly 

clinging closely

where your shirt collar caressed 

the nape of the neck i kissed 

the neck and lips 

i couldn’t resist 


you were wearing the sweater 

i knitted for you 

every stitch worked lovingly 

on steel needles 

in four ply 

patterned in complex cable 

in shades of Cumbrian forest 

fine pine trees 

foreboding and dark 


and how I pined for you 

all those long months and nights 

that distance kept us apart 

when only the phone 

reached home 


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  • Doggerel Dave

    Oh Cassie your word pictures are so rich and here I'm very keen to know how it ended.....

    • Cassie58

      Hello Dave, arenโ€™t you nosey?๐Ÿ˜‚ but at the same time you are so complimentary lol. Do you like happy endings?

      Thank you so much for gracing my page.

    • sorenbarrett

      Haunting nostalgia is the best I can do in English it is far better in Portuguese "saudade" conveys the feeling better where a longing feeling goes with the missing and fond memories all wrapped into one word. A lovely write Cassie

      • Cassie58

        Thank you Soren for introducing me to โ€œsaudadeโ€. I very much appreciate your lovely review. All the best to you.

      • Teddy.15

        You always put your heart and soul into your poetry dearest Cassie, and here is an overwhelming amount of emotion and imagery entwined in such beauty, love your last lines. On the end of the phone was all we had a few years back. ๐ŸŒน

        • Cassie58

          Yes, the end of a phone. Those were the days dear Teddy. Thank you for your lovely, and encouraging review and all the support you give my poetry efforts. Have a lovely evening. ๐ŸŒน

        • orchidee

          So you found a photo of me age 31.
          Fido says - Do shut up sometimes Orchi! lol.

          • Cassie58

            Orchi, I assure you, it wasnโ€™t you in my top dressing table drawer along with my frillies ๐Ÿ˜‚ , but I thank you for stopping by.

            • orchidee


            • Bella Shepard

              This is breathtaking, each stanza speaks of such passion. Having been a knitter in younger years I can truly appreciate the love that went into every stitch of that sweater. I hope the lovers were united at last.

              • Cassie58

                Dear Bella thank you so much for appreciating this write. Itโ€™s a new poem. My muse came back. You are right about the knitting. Every blooming stitch a labour of love , and a cable design too. Took me about six weeks to finish it and yes eventually we got together.๐ŸŒน.

                • Bella Shepard

                  I love happy endings!

                • ChrisLyn๐Ÿ•Š

                  So beautiful

                  • Cassie58

                    Thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate you.

                  • Accidental Poet

                    Gave me that long lost feeling that so frequently overcomes me. Excellently penned Cassie. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

                    • Cassie58

                      Dear AP, aw, that long lost feeling . That is a little sad young man. Thank you for a very generous review.

                      • Accidental Poet

                        Young man? (looks around) nobody young here, I'm vintage 1956. ๐Ÿ˜

                        • Cassie58

                          Ha ha, matured like fine wine or cheese. Take your pick ๐Ÿ˜€

                          • Accidental Poet

                            hmmm, wine might make me tipsy, and cheese whimsy. I may have to resort to my tried and true milk and cookies. ๐Ÿฅ›๐Ÿช

                          • Dan Williams

                            Hard to find a better description of being in love. Well done.

                            • Cassie58

                              Many thanks Dan for a thoughtful review. I appreciate you stopping by.

                            • Goldfinch60

                              Beautiful loving words Cassie.


                              • Cassie58

                                Thank you Andy. Pleased you enjoyed this new poem. All the best.

                              • Neville

                                this, like so many things you mention is so true to life .. you write beautifully C .. and near made this old fella's eyes water involuntarily ..

                                • Cassie58

                                  Aw, Neville. Did I make those eyes water? Thank you so much for your lovely review. My left eye is still watering too:)

                                • jim56

                                  beautifully written so much feeling to
                                  you really have such a talent for writing dont ever stop

                                  • Cassie58

                                    Hello Jim, thank you so much for your lovely review on my bit of nostalgia. Pleased that you enjoyed this new write of mine. Enjoy the rest of the evening.

                                  • Thomas W Case

                                    Tremendous imagery.

                                    • Cassie58

                                      Many thanks Thomas. I appreciate you.

                                    • Thad Wilk

                                      A beautiful and
                                      touching poem,
                                      really pulls on the
                                      heartstrings! ๐Ÿ˜ข
                                      share poetess!!
                                      Best wishes ๐Ÿค— ๐Ÿฆ ๐ŸŒน Thad

                                      • Cassie58

                                        Dear Thad thank you for a very generous review. Pleased you enjoyed my efforts. Happy Thursday to you.

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