

Once again the ghosts of my past haunt me,

when will I break the curse, when will I be free,

the trauma I try to forget keeps coming back,

Even though I’ve left it behind, what do I lack,

I don’t understand how I can still feel broken inside,

damaged beyond repair, looking for a safe place to hide?

will I never be free from the demons of my mind,

I yearn to be free and leave them behind,

I believe in the Lord and trust in His word?

I know He is protecting this delicate little bird,

I feel Him surrounding me with His perfect love,

but why do I still feel abandoned from above,

I know it’s satan putting this stuff in my head, 

i feel like I can barely breathe and my feet are made of lead,

Lord save me from these thoughts and feeling like I do,

God I’m on my knees and I need you!

  • Author: BlessedbyGod (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2024 18:27
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 15
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  • sorenbarrett

    A cry for help in this poem. I can hear the anguish.

    • BlessedbyGod


    • Goldfinch60

      I am so lucky Melissa in that if I have any troubles I can put them in a box in my mind, lock them away and move on. I would like to think that you could find a box to put those ghosts of the past in.


      • BlessedbyGod

        I wish it were that easy, but they keep haunting me, I can lock them away for a while but they still come

      • orchidee

        It would be humorous if it was just the 'ghosts' of your past, of - you know them - keys, pies, hats, etc!
        It's that old 'black dog' not worthy of a capital 'S'. Not that I've anything against real black dogs!

        • BlessedbyGod

          He knows that is the only thing that gets me down , but it will never lead me away from God, ever

        • ForeverJesus7

          (Sigh) I been there. You have my empathy. Remember Jesus had it worse.
          Keep praying.
          Keep persevering.
          Persistence is key.

          • BlessedbyGod

            I know, and you know the demons that haunt me too, I will always remember that Jesus has me

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