Michael Edwards




Pete was on his motorbike

And Ruth was on the back

Pete hit a bump at 90

And left Ruth on the track.

  • Author: Michael Edwards (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 28th, 2024 01:16
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 40
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Teddy.15

    When she did wake up
    Much to her suprise
    Pete was sitting eating
    McDonald cheesy fries lol brilliant Michael as ever you nailed this wonderful Limerick 💙

  • orchidee

    A fine write M, lol.

  • Doggerel Dave

    I want me money back - i seed that picture before.
    Advice to Ruth, Pete and anyone else who might listen: Motorcycles are inherently unstable vehicles. (I know - I've ridden 'em.)

    • Michael Edwards

      Ah ye gods - I'll change the picture. So sorry DDj

      • Doggerel Dave

        Thank you X many., Michael - got to keep my mind stimulated.....

      • Teddy.15

        There was an old lady called Shirley
        She went to bed very early
        When she awoke
        The bed springs were broke
        and her hair was really rather curly

        ah I got there in the end 🤣

      • sorenbarrett

        Short but cautionary and fun to read.

      • Thomas W Case

        Funny work. Excellent.

      • Goldfinch60

        I bet she was not best pleased Michael.


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