Against The Flow/


I used to see him at the station

Waiting alone on the platform.

He on the other side,

While I was surrounded by the crowd,

Hustling and bustling, waiting for the train.

He would sit quietly reading the paper,

A gentle smile on his face,

As if he were laughing at us.

We pushed and shoved one another,

Trying to get the best spot

To get on the train.

His train arrived and he gently stepped on,

Took the seat of his choice

From the many of which he could pick.

My train arrived and the scrum would start

To try and find a space, let alone a seat.

The train would move,

I would be on my way with the crowd,

This crowd of people,

All going with the flow,

To our day of drudgery.


The day I retired that all ceased,

And I like that man I used to see

Would walk with a smile on my face,

As peace and harmony came to me,

As I then became,

The man going the other way.

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Comments +


  • Teddy.15

    You are a Libra it's in your nature just like it is in mine. 🌹

    • Goldfinch60

      Very true Teddy, thank you.


    • orchidee

      He was going against my flow - of singing on the other train! lol.

      • Goldfinch60

        Thank you Orchi.

      • sorenbarrett

        Gold as always, your thoughts are positive. I too go against the flow and sometimes feel the current pushing the other way. Nevertheless, it is a good feeling, and sometimes the current carries me to wonderful places. Enjoyed the poem Gold

        • Goldfinch60

          Yes soren we can go to many wonderful places where others do not reach. Thank you.


        • John Prophet

          Yup, the joy of the simple life.
          Great write Andy

          • Goldfinch60

            Very true John, thank you.


          • Doggerel Dave

            A very satisfying summation of retirement and freedom, Andy - I can relate completely.

            • Goldfinch60

              Thank you Dave, yes I am sure you can relate.


            • Tom Dylan

              A fine write. I'm currently on the busy platform. I'll give you a wave next time I see you. 🙂

              • Goldfinch60

                Thank you Tom, I shall see you amongst the crowd.


              • Cheeky Missy

                Nothing like the relative peace and harmony of no longer being in the rat race, running the treadmill like an obedient and hopeless gerbil...getting NOWHERE. Me loves. This is too beautifully rendered with superb accompaniment.

                • Goldfinch60

                  Thank you Missy, so very true.


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