Mere chance

Nicole Pritchard

I never knew......

How important you would be in my world

We met by mere chance

Like we were supposed to meet 

I wasn't looking for anything 

Til you showed up at my door 

Just to see how I was doing 

My life started to change that day 

By you taking a mere chance

You helped me find myself

Everything about you 

Made me feel completely comfortable 

Which I never thought could happen 

Yet, it it did 

All because of you 

When this shy guy 

Showed up at my door 

Everything changed for me

If I only knew

what I know now 

I would've found you sooner 

You brought this broken girl 

Out to the land of living again 

Just by giving a caring smile 

That told me I would be safe

You'd protect my heart

That I locked away from the world 

Just to keep myself safe

You brought back my smile 

A real smile

One I didn't have to fake 

I will never change 

How we first met 

It was magical 

It's nothing that I would've expected

Now everyday feels like that 

When I'm with you

Now that I know

We were supposed to meet 

For everything to change 

Now that smile 

Will never disappear

All because of a mere chance 

You became a part of me 

Thank you 

For taking that chance on me 




  • Author: Nicole Pritchard (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 6th, 2024 18:28
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 6
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • Cheeky Missy

    The wonder of pure and unsought love I'm told we can NOT find by searching nor trying, since that love we can't fathom finds us, time after time. Or never does, as in my case. Very lovely and expressive with delicious poignancy and an irresistible spirit. Thank you for sharing.

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