

Do you respond much to Fusioned Poems invites?

I don't.

I often seem to mess them up

Not really having much to contribute to them


But we can keep writing

Our own personal poems

Fido helps me too

You know that!


If I mention him and KP enough

I will come to believe they are real (heehee)

And be deluded

Aww - why they reply:

'No change there then for you!' (lol)


But if I got nothing much to say

Then maybe I shouldn't say it

If I'm gonna be facetious

(Quite a long word there!)


Then again, sometimes:

Why use 5 words

When 50 will do?!

You could waffle on and on......!



  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 7th, 2024 00:57
  • Comment from author about the poem: I expect I will be singing again soon! 'Argghhh!' you say. lol.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 34
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I've never understood fusioned poems - it takes much too much sweat and dying brain matter to just push my own out.

    • orchidee

      Thanks for looking in D.

    • Goldfinch60

      Waffle away Orchi.


      • orchidee

        Thanks Gold.

      • sorenbarrett

        Orchi a good write And I too, have trouble with fusion poems. Sometimes when in the mood I will do one however, my contribution is usually small

        • orchidee

          Thanks SB.

        • Tony36

          Great write

          • orchidee

            Thanks Tony.

            • Tony36

              You're welcome

            • Cheeky Missy

              Mason's was the first invite to participate that I've recieved in over a decade, and foolishly attempting to begin one on the fly an hour or two ago, I couldn't figure out how to invite anybody like he did so ended up deleting it since it wasn't even listed on the main page. The idea as it stands is a fun collaboration project, and I do love me a good challenge. But I'm a thinking you guys are the most successful in drumming up participants so I'll just wait for the next invite...who knows? Maybe in another decade.
              Lovely tribute to the concept, beautifully rendered with a delightful sense I can't pin down rightly. Thank you for sharing.

              • orchidee

                Thanks Cm. I will steer clear from them. Maybe someone else will invite me again in a decade.

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