Council elections


Council elections. 


Leave me alone. 


Well, it's compulsory here, so I may as well have a groan...


I don't use social media 

Wouldn't give it time 

I don't care for politics

I am just fine. 


Read the flyer that I got


See if something hits the spot-


Bullet points below:


"Help with the cost of living."


 That we've never heard!


After when we balance the books they say..

When is the word that is in play..


"Protect our unique environment."


More of that to come..


"Prioritising community engagement."


AI will get that done. 


"Ensuring our local infrastructure..keep up with development."


There's the rub.


"Delivering core services;"


Need I say anymore 


"Planting trees on the peninsula."


That will even the score


"Rid us of that unsafe level crossing."


Quaint it may be, 

My guess they want expansion 

Bigger roads to the sea.


I do wish them luck governing the growth.


But lies lead to scandles, then everyone's broke.


Man's march where does it lead


All for the money, the prestige, the greed?


Arr, I shouldn't judge

I've gone on to long

What can I do 

I've done nothing wrong 

The best they could do is leave me alone

Fix some potholes 

And answer the phone.







  • Author: Valiantstar (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 7th, 2024 02:58
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 10
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Cannot avoid a response to this. What a pain in the arse the whole thing!
    Do I know all the candidates on the ballot paper? Only the one or two who are motivated to slip something, full of vapid generalizations through my letterbox.
    Compulsory to vote: last time my civic duty was required I was in hospital; and no facility was made for me to vote for or against The Voice (parliamentary consultation for indigenous people) Harassed later by the Electoral Commission. More Bureaucracy…..
    Could go on…Postal Voting….
    Thanks for putting it out there, Mate.

  • Goldfinch60

    Such true words 2781, they are all a bunch of liars and only what to get things for themselves and don't care about those who voted for them!



    • 2781

      Sometimes I wonder if the voters are as bad as the runners. Everyone who wants to gain, may not realise it pushes prices up and the locals have to move somewhere more affordable-
      Which is almost nowhere!

      • Doggerel Dave

        Andy (above) this is about the system ,and for all you know district councillors within the great municipality/conurbation of Sydney may all be as pure as driven snow.

        2781 (above or below or wherever) I saw nothing about property prices in your original entry. Please explain how the council elections affect property prices and your property mobility. (maybe you\'ve solved the housing crisis - do let us know..)

        • 2781

          I'm not sure about the housing crisis?? maybe they could use the apparently empty commercial spaces? Couldn't be that hard to convert? Surely.
          As far as our council goes, it is eyed for development. You can't by a shit hole for under $700 000. A small house on 300sq m over 800. Rates are through the roof so more dwellings make more sense. Can I go on..the rave about protecting the environment and plant a few trees, but it doesn't cancel the negative effects of over population.

          • Doggerel Dave


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