Black Pearls


Black Pearls


She was, in every sense

a real delight,

but very strange indeed ..

She said,

that she was nothing

but a pirouette

carried like some fragile,

long lost

windblown seed,

upon a gentle breeze ..


she was so very sad at

having crashed

so very far from home ..

Yes, she was

in every sense, a little

gem, but oh’ so

very, very dark indeed ..

And whispered,

she was nothing but

a silhouette

and asked, if I should

like to watch

her bleed black pearls,

to hide the hurt

of being left so far behind ..


  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 17th, 2024 01:19
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 17
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • orchidee

    Good write N.

    • Neville

      Cheers Orchidee I won't explain the background as yet, just in case anyone else comes along & I inadvertently spoil it .. suffice to suggest .. hold that swoon for the time being .. Neville

      • orchidee

        I probably wouldn't discern what is meant, if poetry is on the cryptic side. So I might swoon if you told me more of this poem? lol.

      • sorenbarrett

        "and asked, if I should
        like to watch
        her bleed black pearls,
        to hide the hurt
        of being left so far behind"
        My favorite part of this charming poem that seems a puzzle. Since you have made it clear not to introduce spoilers for the next reader I'll refrain but several came to mind. I do think in one case the word silhouette is a key word, An alternate view is the title itself and seed have great meaning.

        • Neville

          Ha .. since you put it so politely & poetically .. the inspiration came from a recent encounter in the work place .. the young lady in question was of mixed race .. She was very pretty but dreadfully damaged & her only source of pleasure was from cutting herself and hurting those who loved her or showed any form of compassion .. actually, I stand to correct myself .. I am convinced she does not get pleasure from the act of inflicting self harm but rather some intense tension relief or release ..

          We are currently still working on it and she, is a work in progress .. I'm gonna give you near top marks mate .. Neville

          • sorenbarrett

            Neville I have worked with such people for forty years and still have one that does this. Some say it is to feel that they are still alive and able to feel, others say like you it is a release, and others yet is is a source of self punishment for what they feel is a sense of inadequacy and shame. A terrible device but a most glorious poem.

            • Neville

              Thanks for the additional share mate which is of course absolutely spot on .. N

            • Cassie58

              Well Iโ€™ve come along and read this many times to try and get pictures in my head. I see oysters. Yes sea food. Recently I watched a video of black pearls being extracted from an oyster shell. Fascinating it was. I wondered whether the oyster felt pain. Discarded oyster shells? How am I doing Neville? Such a unique write. Loved it whether I am close or a million miles away ๐Ÿ™‚

              • Neville

                You can be write most of the time but not all of the time .. or so it doth seem .. Please see my reply to sorenbarret & his additional reply to mine .. Glad you liked it tho' regardless .. Neville ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

              • Doggerel Dave

                I only managed to get it from the subsequent discussion, Iโ€™m afraid, Neville -Apologies.
                Hard for me to understand, but cutters are there and so difficult to help resolve, so good luck to both of you.

                • Neville

                  apologies unnecessary .. I'm supposed to, but in truth, nobody knows from the off .. it takes time .. cheers

                • Accidental Poet

                  To victimize oneself is of the saddest of stories, but a story they feel must be played out. ๐ŸŒน

                  • Neville

                    A profound expression that works so very well in so very many different individual cases .. thank you for the nod .. Neville ๐ŸŒน

                  • Bobby O

                    I had a nice visit here but did wish though , instead of windy seeds, some partially cooked pasta was the master of the pirouette , FUSILI maybe?

                    • Neville

                      I shall go have a good word with my penne sir O .. in the meantime please accept both thanks and apologies .. Neville

                      • Bobby O

                        I canโ€™t keep up

                        • Neville

                          I believe they do the little blue pills over the counter these days .. that'll be $69 & 6th sense .. N

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Fine words Neville, I too have come across young people like that and I have this ability to help them by just listening, it doe not sound like much but if they know that you are really listening to them they keep speaking and the problems they have come to them and they realise what they are and tend to get over them themselves.


                          • Neville

                            That is the approach I favour however, it helps to have a hanger full of additional interventions up ones sleeve, just in case .. Neville

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