Dishcloth Wisdom


Hark; for dishcloth wisdom,

from them; who stand at bowl,

they’re the ones; who clean it all

the mess; that’s our control,


rehash the dirt division,

polish those crown jewels,

and hoover every battlefield

to bury war-dead mules,


press the bleeper button,

instruct; all offence,

dictate all our opinion

at a woodworm garden fence,


with pride; they wear the grime,

that has become the way,

thus, let this dishcloth wisdom

light up; every single day.

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 17th, 2024 08:27
  • Comment from author about the poem: This dimly written one, is about those "immaculate agents" who via such "dishcloth wisdom" run the infuriating thing called "cancel culture". The banner picture of the metal mesh, that look like jail bars, act as a visual representation of the fact, that nowadays we are prisoners of censorship, and when it comes to the younger, and more "sensitive" demographic, life has to be a "bed of roses". Hence, with a chosen ignorance, and state sanctioned masking, it would seem that the real horrible stuff isn't happening! But of course, it is! I know that in their operation, there is a need to protect, but to me, insulting people's intelligence, and keeping something from them, that is essential to form a well rounded opinion, is an incredibly dangerous, and unfair thing indeed! I hope that you enjoy the poem, I really do hope that the aforementioned "agents" become more judicious in future, and as always, please do stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 33
  • Users favorite of this poem: aDarkerMind, Teddy.15, Cheeky Missy
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  • sorenbarrett

    Any time censorship is employed it overstepsthe bounds of not only freedom but of integrity and truth. Very nicely written.

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read and for your kind words sorenbarrett, they are very much appreciated.

      I am also glad that you are on side; in protecting our freedom to express, any which way we can.

      I hope that all is well.

    • aDarkerMind

      a very impressive write....

      loved the line
      'at a woodworm garden fence'

      one to fave for sure.

      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks for the read, for favouriting this poem and for your heartwarming words aDarkerMind, they are very much appreciated.

        I am glad that you particularly liked the above line, how can they, who are not perfect themselves, be the judges of what stays and goes, eh!?

        Thanks again, and I hope that all is well.

      • Teddy.15

        Are you I jail? Doing the dishes? 🤣 Only joking with you a wonderful poem. 🌹 I have one about a dishwasher. Poetry at its best my friend.

        • AuburnScribbler

          Thanks for the read, for favouriting this poem and for your wonderful words of praise Teddy.15, they are very appreciated.

          Bless you for the jailbird remark, but in terms of my freedom, I am as free as circumstances allow me to be. But of course, they way in which the proud suits dictate, I am sure we are all in some sort of open prison... anyway, may our dishes gleam like the stars!

          Thanks again, and I hope that all is well.

        • Dan Williams

          A big amen and thank you. With the first amendment in shambles this needs to be said.

          • AuburnScribbler

            Thanks for the read Dan and for your emphatic words of thanks, they are very much appreciated.

            You are most welcome for this share, and let nobody's wings be clipped; as a result of trends of exclusivity, that are ran by imperfect agents.

            I hope that all is well.

          • Goldfinch60

            Great words Ben and so true, why can't people see the real things that are causing the destruction of our world.


            • AuburnScribbler

              Thanks for the read, and as always your very kind words Andy.

              I wholeheartedly agree with you, the proud opportunities; to choose to ignore, are too plentiful, and a reclamation of common decency and sense, needs to be attained.

              I hope that all is well.

            • Cheeky Missy

              You don't truly want to know what's really "going on," now, do you? Where I come frae tis passé more or less, and the censorship is to keep the multitudes in check lest they attempt what the wiser know to let lie.
              Thank you for sharing. Beautifully rendered with excellent details and a haunting poignancy, only too perfectly completed by your helpful elucidation in the notes.

              • AuburnScribbler

                Thanks for the read, for favouriting this poem, and as always, your beautifully penned response, it is very much appreciated.

                When it comes to our operation as a species, although there may be a wholesome underlying sense of unity, in practice, there always seems to be such a woeful display of division and dissatisfaction, that has made for such a prolonged dark celebration of power.

                I really do despair being human sometimes, if this is what our species has chosen to be the reign of the everyday. I really do hope that some light can actually be acknowledged soon.

                Thanks again for your lovely words, and I hope that all is well.

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