


There was a brief moment in my life

where I lost touch with my own soul

I couldn’t recognize myself

and every time I opened my eyes

all I could see; all I could feel was struggle

struggle through the dense fog

that life sometimes piles upon our roads

potholes a plenty

if I didn't suffocate in the fog

I could have easily been swallowed up

by one of those potholes

but I didn't, because when I needed it most

I found my strength and courage

and now on occasion

 when I find the dense fog in front of me

once more

and the potholes underneath my feet

I remember what I learnt

avoiding them

 to keep on walking without a fall

keeping my head high, remembering

they are just a test, a test

that will bring my poetry to its finest

one day far from now

sharing with others

others who have felt the dense fog

and who like me have avoided

being swallowed by the potholes

that life sometimes digs for all of us


 if I can re-find my lost soul

everyone can.

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  • aDarkerMind

    a very touching, moving write Teddy.

    a poem to read and live through,
    many times.

    which, of course....I will.

    • Teddy.15

      So very kind dear Melvin, most of us I do believe. Watch out for those potholes and know you are never alone. 🌹

    • Goldfinch60

      Wonderful words Teddy, no matter how many problems we come across on our life's pathway there is always a new path to be found which will lead us into a better future.


      • Teddy.15

        Coming from you dear Andy it means a lot. Thank you very much 🌹

      • sorenbarrett

        Teddy I have to periodically search for mine it tends to wander and like a small child gets into all kinds of mischief when not suppervised. I now keep it on a short leash. A poem of self understanding in that existential search for self

        • Teddy.15

          Yes and thank you with all my heart as always dearest sorrenbarret as I know it is a battle that is really never ending. Biggest of hugs 🤗 💙

        • Accidental Poet

          So kind of you to write this for Bella and anyone who has traveled that road of fog and potholes. Always believe there is a beacon of light there to help find your way. 🌹

          • Teddy.15

            Always my dear A.P thank you dear friend. 🌹

            • Accidental Poet

              Do we not give to ourselves when we give to others? I'm sure someone wise and famous must have made that quote, but still I believe it to bare some truth. 🙂

              • Teddy.15

                Yes you made it the quote 🤣

                • Accidental Poet

                  I couldn't have made it, I'm not wise or famous. 😅

                  • Teddy.15

                    You are famous here my dear friend 🌹

                    • Accidental Poet

                      (sniff sniff) I better shower. 🤣

                    • Cassie58

                      Dear Teddy, I love how you have used potholes here as a metaphor and thrown in too the thick fog to highlight the struggle many feel in life. You conveyed that so well. It’s lovely of you to mention Bella and others who are currently experiencing that emptiness. That shows your wonderful caring nature. One step at a time, I always say. A great read. Have s beautiful day Teddy. 🌹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

                      • Teddy.15

                        Thank you dear Cassie I wrote this yesterday before I saw Bella's post, so I really thought it was worth sharing, so happy you agree thank you dear friend. 🌹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

                      • Thomas W Case

                        Beautiful, sweet Teddy. I think everyone has been lost whether they admit it or not.

                        • Teddy.15

                          My dear Thomas, takes a lot to admit it but yes, I agree. Thank you dearest Thomas. 🌹

                        • Dan Williams

                          I sure hope you are right.

                          • Teddy.15

                            Dan, having spent time in the military, I suspect you have seen things and they have stuck with you throughout your life. I have never been to war, my war is with love. Thank you dearest Dan 🌹

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