Hard Winter

Dan Williams

It is going to be a hard winter this year,

It is going to be a pretty hard winter, I fear.

Friends have up and flown,

some are much more permanently gone,

going to be a hard winter this year.

Three thousand three hundred and seventy-one times

I swore off losing sleep over you who abandoned me.

Maybe when you get older you might miss me plenty at times

when we both have only one leg left to stand on.

Some few times less than that, I appear in my own dream,

asking again why do these winters keep getting colder.

My plaintive unheard cry devolved to primal scream

over things I felt she knew, so never told her.

It is going to be a hard winter this year,

there is a bitter cold cringe bringing tears

making you shudder and flinch thinking back

before your fortress first came under attack,

when the coldest of winters held no fear,

but it's going to be a really hard winter this year.

Finally, he ends this off key, hard to follow rant.

Some how he felt you might just want to know

that the story can, but the storyteller can't

the tune can stay but the piano player must go.

  • Author: Dan Williams (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 19th, 2024 01:16
  • Comment from author about the poem: I kind of hope I am all wrong with this, eh?
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 24
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  • Teddy.15

    My family member lives in Saskatchewan so I understand about the extreme cold weather , hoping it's not so bad for you dear Dan. A beautiful poem.

    • Dan Williams

      This was written in Germany where I spent a few years on the Chech border at times twenty below with wind added. Made me kind of an authority on cold. Thanks for the kind words.

    • Neville

      Just in case you aint wrong .. I plan on stocking up with a decent supply of space blankets, plus extra strong mints and have just arranged the annual service on my nuclear reactor .. A compelling poem about separation (for whatever reason) and the anticipated chill, loneliness and compounded emotions of remorse, possible confusion, or uncertainty and grief .. Well penned, friend ..


    • aDarkerMind

      an outstanding write Dan,
      and one I can truely relate to.
      worthy of much applause.

      • Dan Williams

        Shucks, you people are making me blush. Thank you.

      • Goldfinch60

        I am sure that in those cold and dark places a light will be found to lead you to warmth in your life Dan.


      • sorenbarrett

        This has all the makings of a song with its reoccuring refrain. The repetition of this not only emphasizes the statement but puts an emotional foreboding feeling to it as if a prophecy or curse. a bit haunting

      • Cassie58

        The repetition works so well here Dan. Friendless, abandoned and cold. You convey the freeze very well here. I feel sure this write will be relatable to some. Never an easy situation to deal with. Thanks for sharing.

        • Dan Williams

          This started as a lament for a dear friend taken way too soon, slipped into my general gloom. Thanks.

        • Thomas W Case

          Fantastic work. Great crafting of this poem.

          • Dan Williams

            And thank you for the kind words, again.

          • Tom Dylan

            A fine poem, Dan. Nailed it.

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