Cryo Babes .. and .. The Hurting Game


Cryo Babes


It is already not that unusual

for a child to be born

not knowing who their father

   is or indeed, was ..

But sadly, soon it may become

increasingly common

for biological mothers to have

passed away too,

several hundred years or more

before their offspring

   has time to thaw out, let alone

   to draw breath ..


The Hurting Game


I cannot hurt, harm or humiliate

   you any more than I already have ..

   I love you, far too much for that my love ..

   So why not, let’s call it a draw, at least for now ..




  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 19th, 2024 02:23
  • Comment from author about the poem: its another one of those two for uno days .. this pair are not related ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 27
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Doggerel Dave

    So two responses, Neville:
    - I personally find all reproductive technology pretty repulsive. I am much in harmony with this one.
    - A recognizable dynamic in some relationships I have observedโ€ฆ
    I felt comfortable with those two โ€“ they felt real in their implied rebukes.

    • Neville

      I'll take them both as a yes then as most generously implied .. don't wanna push my luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    • sorenbarrett

      I'm sure glad you included that statement about the two being not related or I would have been all day scratching my head. The first is a most interesting thought that had not occured to me before. Maybe people won't believe in parenthood in those days. The second I can feel as if I had said it myself. Nicely worded

      • Neville

        Thanks twicely as much as usual .. Neville

      • Cassie58

        I do like your two for the price of one days Neville. Nothing like a bargain.

        Your Cryo Babes, makes me shiver. I really donโ€™t approve of the meddling that is already going on, yet alone what is around the corner. I can only say, that I am happy, I am not going to be around to see it all. It is positively scary. It is totally unethical in my book.

        As to The Hurting Game, this comes across as very competitive. I think itโ€™s a good idea to call a truce and take a breather. I would imagine that this scenario is perfectly common place in some households. Not my ideal, but hey whatever works for some. Best kiss and makeup by bedtime:)

        Have a happy Thursday.

        • Neville

          One of the things I most dislike about all the meddling & tampering that leads to any medical advancement or developments is that once achieved, the cost of it and actual availability is respectively prohibitive and so terribly restricted .. a lot of it is about playing god and it sucks .. having said that, those that do benefit are obviously over the moon .. thanks for such an encouraging review Cassie .. Neville

        • Accidental Poet

          They may not be related, but they are equally well penned N. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

          • Neville

            That'll do nicely mate cheers ๐Ÿ‘

          • orchidee

            I am not here - I am frozen in ice. That must be how I'm millions of years old. Goldfinch is too. lol.

            • Neville

              You are more nutty than a bar of Topic

            • Thomas W Case

              Powerful work.

              • Neville

                Thanks T .. Neville

              • Goldfinch60

                Two good poems Neville, those Cryo babes to my mind are unthinkable.

                Love could solve all in the second one.


                • Neville

                  Cheers mate .. Cheers mate .. Neville

                  • Neville

                  • Tom Dylan

                    Some powerful pieces, Nevlle and like the two for one offer. Cheers, Tom

                    • Neville

                      My cup runneth over Tom .. Many thank U's .. Neville

                    • Bobby O

                      Iโ€™m still sending to detachment from feeling the first piece presents. For me it is a perfect commentary that was brave enough and confident enough to stamp efficacy with the most powerful trump card in history , a mothers love

                      • Neville

                        you can beat an egg n stuff, but you just can't beat mothers love can ya Bobby .. thanks a minion ๐Ÿ‘

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