

How I adore goodness 


I see and hear


I find it rare


But in the mix I see it there


Doing what's right whatever the case


Serving quietly not on the take


In an evil time the blind will see


Goodness and mercy sets us free.





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  • Doggerel Dave

    Yes definitely still there…but perhaps as times get harder then it's harder to find….
    A rhyme of hope, and for that, thanks.

    • 2781

      Inspired by the 94 y'old from the Atherton table land that just retired. He run (probably) one of the last full service, service stations.
      Got to love it!

    • Tony36

      Excellent write

      • 2781

        We try our best

        • Tony36

          You're welcome

        • Cheeky Missy

          Thank you. Simply stated with a subtle poignancy it is too beautifully rendered.

        • Dan Williams

          I sure could use a handful of your optimism. Nice work.

        • Goldfinch60

          Such very true words 2781.


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