Concept of Conflict


The coup came creeping causing conflict,
Confused cuz chaos consumes logic,
Cultural clashes came closer,
Kill, and conquer,
Cursed, wearing a mask,
Creating compatible contrasts,
King claims crazy contradictions,
Only seen in fiction,
One direction,
For the top,
Will this madness ever stop,
Army sponsored killer squad,
Cleared the square,
Coldly killing the mob,
Not knowing they’d be closer to God.
I see the fall of reason and democracy,
I see the world turning into treason and hypocrisy,
This was written as a prophecy,
Voiceless people livin' in poverty,
The government using population control,
Trying to manipulate each and every soul,
World wide control is their sole goal,
They teach you about peace and democracy,
But it's a lie, you never get a piece,it's hypocrisy,
They don't know and they don't see,
Those who molded you will never set you free,
Keeping you enslaved is part of their philosophy,
Thats how they wanted it to be,
This aint no longer a conspiracy theory,
Cuz I just solved the unsolved mystery,
Son study the course of history,
And you'll find the cause of misery.

Hearts have turned to lead
As tears are left unshed
For morality is dead
And humanity has fled
Hopes are dead
No sign, even, of daily bread
Standing for rations in a queue
Daily facing terrors new
World has turned a blind eye again
There’s only an endless stream of pain
It’s all for just a piece of land
On which the oppressor has taken a stand
Of wiping out the whole brave race
Leaving of them, not a trace
The peacekeeping forces have no say
Consciences die, day by day
Atrocities rise – as a nation dies
The predator ready to claim it’s prize
There is now no hope at all
Since all are lined up against the wall
Tortured, maimed, yet they do not fret
Bravely facing a martyr’s death
At what cost is victory sought
When nations prove they can be bought?
Gone are the days when humanity reigned
For morality, in the world, has surely waned
Let the world wake up from its slumber
And take action in a greater number
If you are for them, shed a tear
Raise your voice without any fear

Morality might be mentioned , most mercenary make believe that it’s measured
A tactile duality tenders tension
Evil or benevolent , would you say treasured?
Rules for peace are heaven sent
As it must the scale adjusts
Moral then!? Now seen as mean
Are have nots gathered ? Or mattered not?the quotient reveals a simple plot , are the unseen lifted by those that Got?

The concept of conflict can be so strange
Dont you say?

In shadows where the silence stirs
Two hearts drift like distant star
Each pulse a beacon, each word a stone
Building walls where love once shone
The storm within ignites the air
A tempest born of whispered care
Yet in the clash of dreams and fears
Hope flickers softly through the years
For in the fracture, light will seep
In every wound, the promise deep
From chaos blooms a rose untamed
In conflict’s heart, we’re still unnamed

All empires have crumbled
Yet the deluded think they can win,
They can rule,
They can conquer.
The lessons of history they refuse to learn,
Bitter will be the wake-up.
They see not death and destruction
Awaiting them,
So consumed be they by their illusions.
The final fall will be the bitterest one. Soraga.

In a hideous spot, the names are left engraved
Still the soul to soul battle is what they crave
Many names in history were left unnamed
For them, who wrote, only the royals were great
Time has passed, for the ones who were brave
Held in the dark and big prison, they were called slaves
Still concealed by a layer of lie, oh, they were naive
Till now, the tears are saved
For some, only rage and vengeance remained

Chaos Is Boss.
Toss The Loss N The Fires Ov Destruction & Elimination.
Creation, Amidst Abrupt & Disgusting Castration.
Cremation Ov All Right Souls.
Holes N The Heads Ov Those Who Want 2 Set Aright The Times.
Schemes Ov Manipulators Manipulatively Manipulate Each Concept Of Conflict.

He said, Yea, hath God said--? To unfold what would make her dead
But he claimed that she would not die
Yet he was the father of all lies.
Like when the host says, Have your fill, eat up!
To drive the knife in deep whileas you sup.
Folk cry for life and peace
Yet grabbing all they never cease
To take and take while leaving you with none
As if the facts were inside out nor but in fun.
Swear we'll be friends, to tear them down till nothing's left,
All dreams of happy ever after quite bereft.
It is a concept, dearest, with a mouth like the abyss
Just watch your step else you might truly go amiss
Roll conflict oer your tongue and savour it.
Beware of thinking we agree cuz that's the opposite.

My young heart held a whisper
The echo of your fading steps
At six, I learned of absence
And the silence that it kept
Days turned to years of questions
Did you think of me at all?
As seasons changed their colors
I would wait for your last call

They teach you about peace and democracy,
But it's a lie, you never get a piece,it's hypocrisy,
They don't know and they don't see,
Those who molded you will never set you free,
Keeping you enslaved is part of their philosophy,
Thats how they wanted it to be,
This aint no longer a conspiracy theory.

They only termed the truth "conspiracy"
To hide the conflict from the masses, see?
That's why we're taught "you cannot think--
It's dangerous," whileas they subtly wink.
We have been sold for nothing while they laugh,
Nor can redeem ourselves by aught or half.
To see is to be crucified for seeing,
Lest slaves find means or chance of fleeing.

when one drop hammer- why no it fall? Me a dumb-dumb. Universe is black hole, so go fetch yourself a worm-hole; you need to understand Biblical & Quranic Cosmology to understand Your Universe, because William James Sidis was written. St. Vincent made me (a) rewired, old folks. My brain has become contagiously–dastardly-shallow.

This conflict is a nuisance, it's a minstrel of stories
About the wretched warriors who behead and their despotic glories,
Will this ever stop? This endless cycle of destruction!
Or will it remain gory-with horrid eyes in fixation!
Will the sun of God ever rise in the land of conquerors?
Will the lords of darkness ever be defeated by the peace harborers?

"....the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but shall heap to themselves teachers--"
As if we're not so tired of sitting in the bleachers,
Crying out such insults to the players which are ourselves,
As if we could not be more than a pack of damned souls running from the elves,
Let's just discuss this multifaceted fact
As if it's not the case, whence we'll endorse the use of tact,
The conflict deeper than we realize
Yet we cannot open now our blinded eyes,
If only to be ransomed in the end,
Lest we too perish with whom we'd condemn
Let us seek Whom gave us all things, in Whom we live and move and have our being,
If that we might be saved in that last day.

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  • jarcher54

    This is the most compelling fusion poem I have ever read on MPS. It is like a wall for us to post our memorials and shattered hopes and bitter observations. It is beautiful.

    • .....

      Thank you so much!

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Thanks for the invite. Do think of me again. Sorry I missed this one! Truly an excellent fusion poem and an easy share! Again, thank you for the invite!

      • .....

        No problem! Thanks!

      • VeryYrev

        wonderful alliteration and rhyme!

        • .....


        • Shaunmatthewcpoetry

          Sorry I missed contributing, I was away, maybe next time.

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