

As smoke, let me raise to the skies, from this life where I grew free
From a seed, amongst weed, a small sprout fighting adversity
Growing strong, under feathered song, now roost, a mighty tree
Leafy roof as shade, a blanket laid, over nature's diversity

Taken from the land, by man's hand, a hewn shelter from the storm
dancing Finger flames of light through dark of night, other's limbs to warm
Fire that burns bright, in ephemeral flight into ash transform
with death's last whispered kiss, wisp of smoke dismiss, ashes to new life form 

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Comments +


  • orchidee

    I couldn't see this good write at first, for the smoke! lol.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks Orchi you know what they sayt where there is smoke there is fire hope this one didn't burn you.

    • Teddy.15

      Your incredible depth of appreciation for your life is flawless you truly are so proud of every day you have been alive and I feel it in every word, such a joy and yes reincarnation is something I actually do believe in, lets hope you bring your positive and gracious vibes once again my dear sorrenbarret 🌹 πŸ’™

      • sorenbarrett

        I guess it might seem a bit arrogant but it is meant as gratitude for what I have been given and the hope that Imight be able to return some of that to others. I guess that is the other side of the coin. Thanks so much for the read and reflective commentary. It is most helpful in consideration of future writting and I thank you deeply for it my friend.

        • Teddy.15

          Not arrogant at all, I'm always honoured when you speak, the other side of the coin also works, I guess the reader has the last interpretation, I however am lucky to have interaction with you a great poet, lessons to be had here. 🌹 Thank you dear friend. 🌹

        • Lorenz

          Elegant turn !

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks so much for the read Lorenz it is deeply appreciated

          • arqios

            Up in smoke we go one day!

            • sorenbarrett

              I have already done so once having set fire to myself a couple of years ago lol Thanks for the read Cryptic yes either to the worms or fire and that's ok with me, I'm just not packed yet. Thanks for the read friend

              • arqios

                I have just realised that my packing up isn’t quite done as well!

              • Tony36

                Great write

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you Tony for the read and comment they are appreciated

                  • Tony36

                    You're welcome

                  • Neville

                    having now read through your 'Smoke' several times I feel obliged to own up to the fact I find these words more than just a little bit relatable .. if by any chance you refer to being re-born then I must also confess I am a lifelong believer in reincarnation .. and don't mind admitting I have undergone numerous hypnotic regressions and my belief is that I was last here during the great war and before that I was a 7th century cartographer ..

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Most interesting Neville I have gone through an evolution of thought about this subject from traditional christian to panphyicism and everything inbetween. I believe energy never dies just transforms sometimes into matter, sometimes living matter and in this recycling process we may in one form or another end up as something else. Everyone to their own belief I'm still open for new views

                    • Thad Wilk

                      A fanTabulous poem
                      Insightful and hope filled!!πŸŽ–οΈ
                      Nothing escapes your
                      amazing poetic visions!!πŸ‘πŸ’―
                      Thanks for sharing my friend!!
                      Best regards ✌️ Thad

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thad you are too kind your words of support are most welcome and valued

                      • David Wakeling

                        This is magic.I read it and could here Vivaldi Four Seasons.Very inspirational.There is a touch of Shakespeare and Keats about your writing.Well done

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you David for your encouragement it is very much appreciated

                        • Tom Dylan

                          A fine write, Soren. Works on so many levels.

                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thanks Tom I appreciate the read and comment

                          • Dan Williams

                            Smooth reading and complicated rhymes. Another gem. "ashes to new life form " conjuring a Phoenix.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Just fertilizer Dan, always mix a little ash in the soil. However, the Phoenix works too. Thanks for the read and great comments they are always welcome and appreciated

                            • Goldfinch60

                              That new life will always be there for us soren.


                            • rebellion_in_sanity

                              Loved how it talks about our eternal journey and transformation. I don't know whether reincarnation is true, but I felt goosebumps when reading the poem.

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